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Book 2 Unit 3ComputersRevisionLearning aims1 Go over the words and expressions2 Learn to write a composition3 Learn to cooperate with partners logical logically logic technology technological intelligence intelligent solve solution application apply finance financial .重点短语扫描 1.from...  从……时起 2. a result 结果 3.so... ... 如此……以至于…… 4. a way 在某种程度上 5. the help of 在……的帮助下 6.deal 处理;安排;对付 7.watch 看守;监视 8. by 经过 9.have...in 有……共同之处onasthatinwithwithovergocommon10.what’s 而且11.get 集合;聚集12.make 弥补;补足;整理moretogetherup1 signalsignal signaled signal 突破核心单词与短语易 混 辨 析 突破核心单词与短语signal marks symbol sign突破核心单词与短语solve the difficult problem 这个问题太难,我解决不了。 B 3 as a result 突破核心单词与短语3 as a result as a result of as a result results in results from 突破核心单词与短语4 in a way/in one way突破核心单词与短语【学情诊断】(1)用way的相关短语填空①Although he thought he was helping us prepare dinner,he was only ___________. .②He stayed __________ at home during the winter holidays.③ _________ can theory be separated from practice.in the way all the way In no way A 突破核心单词与短语5 deal with 突破核心单词与短语5 deal with 【学情诊断】(1)同义词语替换①Don’t worry,Mr. Smith;it’s already been dealt with. _________②I don’t know how to deal with all the food that’s left over. __solved what to do with突破核心单词与短语6 watch over看守;监视;照看 突破核心单词与短语D 突破重点句式such+a(n)+adj.+n.+that.../ such+adj.+不可数名词+that.../ such+adj.+名词复数+that...当堂检测 选词填空1.________,I will only be working in the mornings.2.The traffic was very heavy and ________,I arrived late.3.He wants to know the key to ________ the problem .deal with;as a result;make up;watch over;with the help of;from now on;have...in commonFrom now onas a resultdealing withhavein common4.Even though they ____ little __________, they get along well with each other.5.She spent an hour ________ before the party.making up 科普知识与现代技术——电脑【写作素材】提示:黑体部分用本单元词汇表达。1.近来,高智商的机器人出现了。________________________________________________2.有些可以打字、发信号。________________________________________________微写作3.有些能处理一些重要事情。__________



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