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AB级英语能力考试作文题 1. ***给你的英语老师(Mrs. Chen)写一封信。 内容:很感谢她昨天给你写的便条,感谢她对你的关心。告诉她你一直在尽自己的努力好好学习,能够在情绪低落时得到老师的鼓励觉得人生有了意义。 注意:必须包括对收信人的称谓、写信日期、发信人的签名等基本格式。 Dear Mrs. Chen, I am very happy to read the note you left me yesterday. You know, I was feeling particularly low at that time. Your words seem to make my whole life worthwhile. I should say I am fully encouraged by what you said. I have been doing my best all these years to study hard. I think I could make more and fast progress this semester. Many thank you for your kind concern. Yours sincerely, Tom 2. ***请根据下面的提示,写一封邀请信。 被邀请人:史密斯夫妇 内容:好久不见,十分想念。邀请两位于2001年12月5日下午6时来家吃晚饭,饭后一起去听音乐会,务请光临。 邀请人:格林夫妇 邀请时间:2001年12月1日 December 1,2001 Dear Mr. & Mrs. Smith, How are you going? Haven’t seen you for a long time. You know, we miss you very much. How about coming to have dinner with us at 5:30 at our house on the afternoon of December 5,2001? We do hope you would join us. After dinner, let’s go to enjoy the concert. It’s really a pleasure to spend a day with you. Yours sincerely, Mr. & Mrs. Green 3. ***内容:1.个人情况:⑴国籍:中国 ⑵身份:访问学者(visiting scholar) ⑶事由:到巴黎观光(to have sightseeing) ⑷抵巴黎时间:3月2日下午2:20 ⑸联络方式: 2.订房要求:⑴旅馆离市区不远,安静,干净; ⑵单人间,有浴室和小厨房; ⑶房价不要太贵,约35美金1天; ⑷下午5点入住,预计住3天。 To Whom It May Concern, I am a Chinese visiting scholar, asking you to help book a hotel room for me. I’ll have a sightseeing in Paris and will arrive at 2:20p.m., Mar.2. I prefer to have a single quiet room with a bath and a kitchen at the suburb of Paris. As for the rent, I could pay no more than $35 per night for 3 days. I’d like to check in at 5p.m.. With thanks. Please contact me at: Sincerely


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