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Unit 1 Living Well Period 1 Warmingup and speakingUnit 1 Living well Lead-in How many different types of disabilities do you know?disability: the state of being disabled / unable to use his/her body properly How many different types of disabilities do you know?A .physical disabilityB .mental disabilitydeafness, dumb/mute, blindness, lame(跛足的), nearsightedness, color blindness, paralysis( 瘫痪)depression, learning difficulty brain injury …Do you know ? 1 .Do you know anyone who is disabled around you? How does he or she deal with the disabilities?2 .Do you know any famous people who are disabled? What do they do? Professor Steven Hawking. In spite of his disease, he decides to continue with his research and writing, and his famous book “A Brief History of Time” used to be a best seller. Moreover, his theory of the Big Bang helps explain the beginning of the universe. 高尔基说过,在自然剥夺了人类用四肢走路的本领时,它就给予他一根拐杖,那就是理想。而霍金无疑为这句话做了最完美的诠释。 他以瘦弱之躯挑战生理极限的勇气以及霍金式的顽皮笑容都向世人证明了:他赢了!德国伟大的作曲家26岁时听觉衰退35岁时完全耳聋……——世界不给他欢乐 他却创造了欢乐给与世界 Beethoven(1770 -- 1827) Germany Deaf famous musicianSymphony of FateWriter educatorHellen Keller(1880-1968)1882—1968United States blind and dumb When one door of happiness closes, another opens; but often we look so long at the closed door that we do not see the one, which has been opened for us.” - Helen Keller -无臂钢琴师 刘伟10岁时因为意外触电而失去了双臂 ,19岁时,他开始学习用双脚弹钢琴 ;那段时间,刘伟每天练琴7小时,一年内就达到了钢琴7级的水平。2006年,他加入了北京市残疾人艺术团,并开始了音乐创作。“我的人生只有两条路,要么赶紧死,要么精彩地活着。” “如果没有生命,就什么都没有了。”ReadingRead the introduction about the people on page 1 and guess what their disability might be.Warming upInfantile paralysisHearing problemDown’s SyndromeDifficulty with eyesightWith a partner, discuss what their disability might be. Disabilities can be visible or invisible. People with invisible disabilities don’t look disabled. Depression, sleep disorders and learning difficulty are invisible disabilities. No matter what disability one has, life is not easy. They have many difficulties to


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