英语四年级下册U4 At the farm A Let's learn & Let' chant.pptVIP

英语四年级下册U4 At the farm A Let's learn & Let' chant.ppt

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Unit 4 At the farm Unit 4 Part A Let’s learn & Let’s do (P39) 下一页 (单击图片,播放动画) 【step1预习练兵】Listen, read and follow 下一页 (单击图片,播放动画) Fight to the end 让我们一起闯关,争当“蔬菜小百科”。 【step2课堂互学】合作探究 Round 1(第一关)说一说 This is a beautiful farm. Let’s go to farm and learn some vegetables ! tomato tomatoes Tomatoes, tomatoes. Look at the tomatoes. They’re so_________. big small long short red sweet … potato potatoes big small long short red sweet … Potatoes, potatoes. Look at the potatoes. They’re so_________. carrot carrots Carrots, carrots. Look at the carrotes. They’re so_________. big small long short red sweet … green beans Carrots, carrots. Look at the carrotes. They’re so_________. big small long short red sweet … Round 2(第二关)【Step3 当堂反馈】导学案P43 C C tomatoes Round 3(第三关)Look and say potatoes carrots green beans Round 4(第四关)Guessing game potatoes What are these? They’re _____________. I like potatoes. Round 4(第四关)Guessing game tomatoes What are these? They’re _____________. I like tomatoes. Round 4(第四关)Guessing game green beans What are these? They’re _____________. I love to eat green beans. Round 4(第四关)Guessing game carrots What are these? They’re _____________. Carrots I will try. Round 5(第五关)Let’s chant 下一页 (单击图片,播放动画) Round 6(第六关)【拓展延伸】导学案P43 名词单数变复数口诀(规则变化): 名词单数变复数,直接加-s占多数; s,x,z,ch,sh来结尾,直接加上-es; 词尾是f或fe,加-s之前先变ve; 辅母+y在词尾,把y变i再加-es; 词尾字母若是o,常用三个已足够, 要加-es请记好,hero,tomato,potato。 tomatoes potatoes carrots books apples chairs 你还知道其他蔬菜吗? cabbage 卷心菜 Chinese cabbage 白菜 broccoli 西兰花 pumpkin 南瓜 onion 洋葱 corn玉米 Round 7(第七关)【拓展延伸】 名词复数知多少 你们太棒了! 颁发“优秀蔬菜小百科”证! 教学小结 课时 课型 主要教学内容 教学要求 第一 课时 词汇课 A Let’s learn/Let’s chant 词汇:tomato, potato, carrot, green beans 句型:Look at the green beans. They’re so long! The potatoes are big. 1. 能够听、说、认读4个有关蔬菜的单词:tomato, potato, carrot, bean。 2. 能够在语境中正确运用这4个单词的复数形式描述蔬菜。 3. 能够在图片的帮助下听懂并跟读歌谣;能够替换关键词编创新的歌谣。 (2)Talk about your favorite vegeta


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