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I want to meet you on Friday afternoon, but I am really busy. * Unit9 -------- 复习 在那之后,在11点钟我有体育课,它容易有趣。午饭是从12:00到1:00。 你怎么样?你的课是什么时候? 你最喜欢的科目是什么? 我在星期五非常忙。在8点钟,我有数学课。 它没趣。老师说它有用,但我认为它难. 然后,在9点钟我有科学课,它难但有趣。 在10点钟我有历史课。 并且在那之后,我们有语文课,它是我最喜欢的 科目。我们的语文老师王女士,有趣极了。 我们的课在1:50结束,但在那之后, 我有两个小时的美术课。它真是令人放松。 D___ Jenny, I am very ____ on Friday.____ 8:00.I have m____ .It’s not f____. The teacher ____ it’s u____ . ____ I think it is d_____. T____ at 9:00 I have s_____. It is difficult but i______. At 10:00 I have h_____. _____ that I have P.E at 11:00. It is ____ and fun. _____ is from 12:00 to 1:00,_____ after that we have Chinese. It is my favorite _____. Our Chinese teacher Mrs Wang is great fun.My classes f____ at 1:50 ,but after that I have an art l____ _____ two hours. It is _____ _____. How _____ you? When are your ____? What’s your favorite subject? 1.I am very b______ on F_____. usy riday 2.At 8:00 I have m___. It is not f___. ath un 3.The teacher says it is u_______, but I think it is d_______. seful ifficult 4.Then at 9:00 I have s________. It is d_______but i________. cience nteresting ifficult 5.At 10:00 I have h_________. istory 6.A_____ t_____, I have P.E. at 11:00. It is e_____ and f____. fter hat asy un 7.L______ is f______12:00 t____ 1:00, and after that we have C_______. unch rom o hinese 8. It is my f_______ s________. avorite ubject 9.Our Chinese t______, Mrs. Wang, is g_____ f______. eacher reat un 10.My classes f_______ at 1:50, but after that I have an art l______ for two h_____. inish esson ours 11. It is r_______ r_______! eally elaxing 12. How a_____you? bout 13.When are your c_______? lasses 14.What is your f _____ s______? avorite ubject 3a Number these parts of an e-mail message[1-3]. I have P.E. at 1:00. P.E. is fun. Then at 2:00 I have math. It is boring. At 3:00 I have art. It is cool. Let’s meet on Saturday. Is that OK with you? Dale Hi Mei Ling, Thank you for your e-mail. I want to meet you on Frida


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