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九年级英语上册导学案 Module 2 2 Preview the text and find the following phrases from the text.(Its difficult, so remember to communicate!) 劳动节 中华人民共和国 自从那时 _________ 一个三天的假期 拜访一些朋友 在… 末 和…待在一起 一个公共的假期 休假 在那天 各种各样的 …的开始 度假 一些特殊的事情 去野餐 玩的很高兴 演奏音乐 一…就 【Homework】 一.Choose the best answers ( )1. Our country was ______ on 1st October. A. find B. founded C. found ( )2. —How long is your holiday? —I think we’ll have two days _____. A. away B. off C. of ( )3. —Where will you take a ______? —Beijing. A. holiday B. rest C. vacation ( )4. My family lives on the ______ floor. A. ninth B. nine C. nineth 2 Preview the text and find the following phrases from the text.(Its difficult, so remember to communicate!) 1. 发表演讲 __________ 2. 对某事表示感谢 ___________ 3. 摆放餐桌____________ 4. 一年一次 ____________5. 也 _______________6. 洗碗 ________________ 7. 丰富的;充足的 ___________ 8. 沿着......前进 ____________________ 9. 下一年 ___________________10.过得愉快 ____________________ (2) Complete the sentences according to the Chinese meaning.. 1.全世界的人都喜欢庆祝新年。 People_________________like __________________the new year. 2.现今的孩子们很依赖父母。 The children these days _____________________ their parents very much. 3.当他们在等待公共汽车时,遇见一位电影明星。 ________they ___________________the bus , they met a film star. 4.一到 11:14 学生就开始倒计时。 ____________________it is 11:14 , the students start ___________. 【Homework】Choose the best answer The Spring Festival is the most important holiday for Chinese people. It is just 1 Christmas in the West. On this day all family members want to get to together, so it becomes the 2 time for the transport(交通) of the year. The stations are crowed with people for about half a month. 3 the Spring Festival comes, people do lots of cleaning indoors and outdoors. They also put two big red lanterns on 4 sides of the front door. Spring Festival Eve, the night before the Spring Festival, is 5 important. At that time, all the family members have 6 together. The meal is much bigger than usual. After it, the whole  family sit together.


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