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Unit 3 A new dimension of life 文昌中学 郭小欣Now, we are going on a snorkelling trip into the deep ocean!珊瑚coral [k?r?l] sea-starturtle[t??tl] eel[i?l] 蛤 clam[kl?m] sharkFast ReadingGlance through the diary quickly and try to number the paragraph topics in the correct order.TopicParagraph numbercolors and shapes dangers reflecting the reef’s edge a final thought some sea creatures 2 41563Careful Reading1. In the diary, the author mainly wants to tell us ____. A. what he saw in the sea B. how the fish eat in the sea C. the vivid colors in the sea D. all the plants in the sea are dangerousA主旨大意2. The fish seemed to be___ when the author swam among them. A. frightened B. indifferent (漠不关心的) C. surprised D. excitedB细节题D3.It can be inferred from the passage that_____A. There were some big fish that cleaned the bodies of smaller fish.B. The author liked to get close to eels with strong sharp teethC. I went snorkeling on the reef offshore this morning.D. When snorkelling there were not only delights but also dangersI also loved the small fish that clean the bodies of larger fish (P3, L3)There were other creatures that I didn’t want to get too close to (P4 L1)推理判断题Beautiful Words and Expressions1. a day of pure magic 2. Seeing such extraordinary beauty, I think every cell in my body woke up. 3. There was a surprise waiting for me around every corner.4. My heart was beating wildly.5. The first thing I became aware of was… 神奇的一天看到这样奇特的美景,我周身的每个细胞都苏醒了。每个角落都有令人惊奇的东西等待着我。我的心急剧地跳动着。首先映入我眼帘的是……Translate the sentences into English1.这是一个神奇的地方。2.你首先注意到的会是各种各样生动的卡通人物.(cartoon figures)3.你可以玩刺激的过山车(roller-coaster),这会让你的心急剧的跳动。(运用定语从句)This is a place of pure magic.The first thing you become aware of is all the vivid cartoon figures.You can go on the exciting roller-coaster, which will make your heart beat wildly.PracticeDisneylandWritingYou are to be a guide to introduce Disneyland 1.迪士尼公园是以一位著名的电影制作人Walt Disney而命名的 (be named after)2.有很多惊喜等着你:你首先注意到的是各种各样的卡通


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