2020年高考英语二轮复习词义猜测类 专项练习.docVIP

2020年高考英语二轮复习词义猜测类 专项练习.doc

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第五讲 词义猜测类专项练习 【分类真题】 (2019年全国卷II.A) My Favourite Books Jo Usmar is a writer for Cosmopolitan and co-author of the This Book Will series(系列)of lifestyle books. Here she picks her top reads. Matilda Roald Dahl I once wrote a paper on the influence of fairy tales on Roald Dahl's writing and it gave me a new appreciation for his strange and delightful words. Matilda's battles with her cruel parents and the bossy headmistress, Miss Trunchbull,are equally fumy and frightening, but they're also aspirational. After Dark Haruki Murakami It’s about two sisters — Eri, a model who either won’t or can’t stop sleeping, and Mari, a young student. In trying to connect to her sister, Mari starts changing her life and discovers a world of diverse "night people" who are hiding secrets. Gone Girl Gillian Flynn There was a bit of me that didn't want to love this when everyone else on the planet did, but the horror story is brilliant. There's tension and anxiety from the beginning as Nick and Amy battle for your trust. It's a real whodunit and the frustration when you realise what's going on is horribly enjoyable. The Stand Stephen King This is an excellent fantasy novel from one of the best storytellers around. After a serious flu outbreak wipes out 99.4% of the world's population, a battle unfolds between good and evil among those left. Randall Flagg is one of the scariest characters ever. 21. Who does "I" refer to in the text? A. Stephen King. B. Gillian Flynn. C. Jo Usmar. D. Roald Dahl. 【答案】.C 【解析】词义猜测题。本题题干意为:文章中的“I”指的是谁?根据第一段可知本文是作者JoUsmar的书评。根据Matilda中的“Ionce wrote a paper on the influence of fairy tales on Roald Dahl's writing and it gave me...”可知,此处I指的是JoUsmar,故选C项。其他几项都是文章中提到的几本书的作者。 22. Which of the following tells about Mari and Eri? A. Cosmopolitan. B. Matilda. C. After Dark. D. The Stand. 【答案】.C 【解析】细节理解题。本题题干意为:下面哪个选项讲述了Mari和Eri? 在文章有关After Dark的书评中,作者介绍了Eri和Mari,因此C项正确。A项Cosmopolitan是作者介绍JoUsmar时提及的她的一本书。B项和D项是书评介绍中的两本书。 23. What kind of book is Go


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