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Haig was planning a new attack but the Germans beat him and launch theirs on 21 March. (p42) beat 打败,挫败?赶在别人前面行动 海格(英军指挥官)在计划一次新的进攻,但德国人赶在他的前面于3月21日发起了进攻。 If misery loves company, so do sports fans.(P43) 祸不单行? 同病相怜 (体育比赛的观众排长队买票) 以动词“work”(工作)为例: He is working in the factory.他在工厂工作。 He is working a machine.他正在开机器 He is working at English.他正在学英语。 The ship is working eastward.船正向东行驶。 The gears work smoothly.齿轮转动灵活。 My watch doesn’t work.我的钟不走了。 The screw worked loose.螺丝松了。 Will these new methods work?这些方法有效吗? The yeast has begun to work.酵母已开始发酵。 Electronic computers work quickly and accurate.电子计算机计算得又快又准。 又如“hand”这个词,在日常生活中,分别具有手、臂、书法、技能、职工等词义。 Soams shook her hand and went downstairs. 索姆斯跟她握一下手就下楼去了。 He never read a book in his life and …still writes a schoolboy hand. 他一生从来没有读过一本书,……写的字还像学童的手笔。 It would be like trying to make the hands of clock move backwards to its ticking. 这无异是想使时钟的指针向后倒转。 Mr. Hunter suddenly failed, and all hands in the mill were turned off. 罕特先生突然破了产,工厂的所有职工都被解雇。 3 注意搭配 broken a broken man  一个绝望的人 a broken soldier  一个残废军人 a broken promise  背弃的诺言 a broken spirit  消沉的意志 broken money  零钱 broken English  蹩脚的英语 以 kill 为例: He killed the man. 他杀死了那个人。 He killed the dog.他宰了那条狗。 He killed time everyday down at the park.他每天上公园消磨时间。 He killed his chances of success.他断送了成功的机会。 He killed the motion when it came from the committee.他否决了委员会提出来的动议。 He killed himself by overwork. 他因工作过劳而死。 He killed the spirit of the group.他抹杀了团体的精神。 He killed three bottles of whisky in a week.他一周内喝光了三瓶威士忌。 kill the peace 扼杀和平; kill the promise 取消诺言; kill the friendship 终止友谊;kill a marriage 解除婚约 heavy heavy rain 大雨 heavy clouds 厚云 heavy crops 丰收 heavy wine 烈性酒 heavy news 令人悲痛的消息 heavy road 泥泞的路 heavy sea 波涛汹涌的海洋 heavy heart 忧伤的心 heavy fire 猛烈的炮火 heavy smoker 烟瘾很大的人 heavy bread 没有发好的面包 heavy wire 粗线 heavy load 重载 heavy storm 暴风雨 heavy traffic 拥挤的交通 heavy reader 沉闷冗长的读物 4 区分词类 汉语 英语


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