《初级军事英语》Unit 3Military Training.ppt

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Words and Expressions progression centralize decentralize quality joint combined progression n. the act of moving forward (as toward a goal) 前进,进展 It only took 4 years for Eisenhower’s progression from a colonel to a five-star general, which is unprecedented in US military history. 艾森豪威尔只花了四年时间,从上校晋升为五星上将,这在美军是史无前列的。 centralize v. to bring under one control, especially in government 使集中 centralized control 集中控制 centralized organization 集权组织 The king is trying to centralize all power in his own hands. 这位国王想把一切权力集中于自己的手里。 decentralize v. 1. to distribute the administrative powers or functions of (a central authority) 2. to disperse (something) from an area of concentration. State superintendence of fisheries shall operate under the principle of unified leadership and decentralized administration. 国家对渔业的监督管理,实行统一领导、分级管理。 quality vt. quality, qualify, qualified, qualification quality n/adj. quality time/goods qualify v. His knowledge and skills?qualify?him for the job. 他的知识和技能使他有资格担任这项工作。 qualified adj. a qualified military officer qualification n. What sort of?qualifications?do you need for the job? 做这项工作需要什么资格? joint adj. involving two or more people together 联合的 joint venture 合资企业 joint owner 共同所有人 Joint Chiefs of Staff 美军参谋长联席会议 joint exercise 联合演习 combined adj. made by combining; joined; united, as in a chemical compound. 联合的;共同的 combined arms: 合成兵种 combined operation: forces of two or more nations work to accomplish the mission. A force is any grouping of military capabilities, manpower and equipment in organized units. 部队 A task force is a grouping organized for the purposes of carrying out a specific mission or task, which is then disbanded when the task has been accomplished. 特遣部队 A joint task force is one involving two or more military services (army, navy, air force, etc.). 联合特遣部队 A combined joint task force involves the forces of two or more nations. 多国联合特遣部队 * * * * * * * * Unit Three Military Training Lead-in Backgro


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