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FIFA Grassroots Philosophy 国际足联 草根足球 发展计划 GRASSROOTS FOOTBALL 草根足球 FIFA Grassroots Program can be developed in every environment (schools, communities and even clubs), for children (boys and girls) between 6 – 12 years old. 国际足联草根足球项目可以在任何形式下进行开展(学校,社团以及俱乐部),针对6-12岁的青少年(男生和女生) GRASSROOTS FOOTBALL PHILOSOPHY 草根足球 发展计划 Everyone has the opportunity to play. 为每一个人提供进行足球训练和比赛的机会 Football can be played anywhere. 无处不在的足球 There is no discrimination. 人人平等 The game must be simple, exciting and rewarding. 简单,有趣和有效的比赛 Fair Play must be respected. 严格遵守公平竞赛的原则 OBJECTIVES 目标 According to FIFA’s vision ,”touch the world”, the main objective of FIFA Grassroots Program is to bring the game to the people . 秉承国际足联“触摸世界“的精神,草根足球发展计划的目标就是把足球带到世界的每一个角落。 To let as many people as possible to play football, interact with others, share human values, and most importantly, have fun playing football. 旨在让更多的人进行足球运动,增进彼此间的交流,共同分享以及最重要的是享受足球所带来的乐趣。 To introduce football (for boys and girls). 倡导足球这项运动(对男孩和女孩)。 DIFFERENT ENVIRONMENTS 不同的发展环境 Schools 学校 Clubs 俱乐部 Communities 社团 For some, Grassroots football is a series of recreational fun activities. For others, is a school or club-based football, and involves regular training and organised match schedules. 草根足球对于部分人来说是一系列的带有娱乐性的活动。但对于其他人来说,则是以学校或者俱乐部形式为基础的,进行常规的训练和有计划的比赛日程的足球运动。 FUN / EDUCATION 趣味性 / 教育性 For many children all around the world, football is the main form of entertainment, social integration and free expression. 对于全世界的青少年来说,足球是他们最主要的娱乐活动,社交方式,同时也是他们自由展示自我的途径。 The game is the best teacher, and the enjoyment of the players should always be the main focus in the development of this program. 足球比赛是最好的教育方法,草根足球发展计划的核心是带给所有参与者更多的快乐。 The action of the educator must be dynamic, simple, exciting and rewarding, and the physical, physiological and psychological characteristics of the children must always be respected. 教育方法要灵活多变,简单,具有趣味性和成就感,同时青少年身体,生理以及心理方面的特点必须予以重视。 最新课件 最新课件


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