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初恋 50 次 50 First Dates 中英文剧本 So tell me. How was Hawaii? 夏威夷好玩吗? - It was unbelievable. - Oh, yeah? -太赞了 -是吗? - Well, what happened? - I met this guy . -有艳遇啦? -我遇到一个男人 It was the best week of my life. 那是我此生最美的一周 It was just a little vacation romance. 一段浪漫的假期 But he was so sweet. 他好温柔 He took me to all these cool local places. 他带我到好多好玩的地方 We went scuba diving... 我们去潜水 ... - Snorkeling. - Mountain climbing. -浮潜 -爬山 We went cliff diving. 悬崖跳水 Well, we got a little drunk. 我们喝醉了 - He gave me... - A back rub. -他帮我 ... -擦背 We slow danced... 我们深情拥舞 ... - in the rain. 在雨中 But it wasnt just about the sex. 这不只是性而已 He pounded me like a mallard duck. 我俩没有别的关系 我们俩的关系只是性的关系 It ended kind of weird, though. 不过结束的有点怪 When I asked for his number, he said hes... 我跟他要电话,他却说他 ... - Married. - Gay. - 结婚了 -是同志 - Entering the priesthood. - He doesnt believe in phones. - 正要投身宗教事业 -他不喜欢用电话 He just kind of ran away. 他就这样走了 You know, it was just a little fling, but... 这只是段露水姻缘 ... I wont forget my week... 但我永远忘不了他 ... - with Henry Roth. 罗亨利 - Henry Roth. - Harry. -罗亨利 - 小利利 Harry Paratesticles. 硬汉亨利 - Henry Roth. - Henry Roth. -罗亨利 -罗亨利 - Henry Roth. - Henry Roth. -罗亨利 -罗亨利 Henry Roth, why didnt you tell me you were a secret agent? 亨利,为何不早说你是密探? I prefer intelligence operative, and I couldnt tell you until I knew you. “情报员 ”比较好听 我不能随便跟你透露 Well, can I call you when I land? 我回去能打电话给你吗? You can call me, but I II be in Peru. I said that a little loud. 行,但到时我已经在秘鲁了 我太大声了 Come on, thats a 187, code blue. We got the wolf sleeping at night. 总部,状况 野狼骑走,整夜狂飙 Hes slipping his arm in the drawer and out comes the cookie jar. All clear. 他从山林来越过原野 跨过小溪向前行,完毕 Got it? 明白? Well, maybe when you get back from Peru. 也许等你从秘鲁回


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