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系统集成项目的质量管理研究 摘? ?要计算机信息系统集成行业是信息产业中的一个基础行业,同时又是一个具有极强生命力的新兴行业。在上个世纪八十年代后,项目管理进入了新的阶段,项目管理的应用领域扩展社会生产与生活的各个领域和各行业中,并且在组织的战略规划和日常经营中发挥着越来越重要的作用。它在我国的飞速发展,也只是从上个世纪最后几年中才逐渐显现出来的。伴随着各级政府上网工程的进一步深化实施,金融、电信、财政、税务、外贸等行业和部门的信息化建设的快速推进,电子政务、电子商务、远程教育、远程医疗和网络娱乐等各项应用的铺开,以及个人客户上网数量和企业客户上网数量的不断增长,在全国范围内铺开的信息化建设步伐也将随之加快。大量的客户定制将会进一步扩大对于系统软件、网络安全、支撑体系及行业应用信息系统集成等方面的需求,信息化建设的大战日见硝烟。显然,我国信息产业快速发展的时机到了。这无疑也给国内众多信息系统集成厂商创造了空前广阔的市场。目前国内系统集成公司很多,系统集成也成为一个热门话题。由于信息产业的技术含量高,信息系统集成项目经常会遇到需求多变、技术更新和所处的环境变化快速和人员流动频繁等情况,故影响项目管理的因素日益增多,信息系统集成行业也更加需要科学规范的项目管理——质量管理。 关键词: 系统集成项目、质量管理 AbstractComputer information systems integration industry is one of the industries based industries, but it is also a very strong vitality of the emerging industries. In the last century 1980s, project management has entered a new stage, and project management applications to expand production and social life in all fields and at all in the industrial sector, and in the organization's strategic planning and day-to-day operations are playing an increasingly important role. In the rapid development of our country, it was only from the last few years of the last century in only gradually come to. Along with the Internet at all levels of government to further deepen the implementation of the project, finance, telecommunications, finance, taxation, foreign trade and other sectors of the information industry and the rapid development of construction, e-government, e-commerce, tele-education, tele-medicine and entertainment, and other network Application of the way and the number of Internet customers, as well as individual and corporate customers growing number of Internet in the country with the spread of information pace of the construction will subsequently be accelerated. A lot of customization will further expand the system software, network security, support systems and the application of information systems integration industry, such as the demand, construction of information war has become increasingly s


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