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Ⅴ. 归纳课文,完成语法填空 California is the1._______(three) largest state in the USA but has the largest population. It has 2. _______ (attract) people from all over the world. No one really knows when the first people arrived in 3.______we now know as California. Now there are more Native Americans4. _______ (live) in California than in any other state. 【答案】1. third 2. attracted 3. what 4. living 5. was ruled 6.a 7. settling/to settle 8. It 9. racial 10. mixture Period 1 Warming Up Reading(1) 美国有个别称叫“大熔炉”,那么你知道美国为什么会有此别称吗?它代表着什么意思呢? This great land has been attracting people from all over the world since its independence from British rule in 1783 at the end of the Revolutionary War. They came to this country leaving behind their homeland in order to make a better life for themselves. The constitution(宪法) of the United States starts with the words “We the people…”. This is what the country is all about. “We the people…”are from Asia, Europe, South America, from every corner of the world. People have come and are still coming to this great country to become an American. This privilege of becoming a citizen should not be taken lightly. Becoming a citizen gives you the right to life, liberty, and pursuit(追求) of happiness,this being our Declaration of Independence. The pride of becoming a legal citizen and enjoying the freedoms that come with it is a dream for all the immigrants that come here. The results of the melting pot are American citizens who become part of the history of this nation,who become the defenders of freedom and who bring their own individual talents and culture to melt into this great society. We are Asian Americans,Euro Americans, Mid Eastern Americans,or Afro Americans. We are all Americans under the red,white and blue flag. Ⅰ.识图填空 Arctic, racial, Strait, elected, Ministry, aircraft    1.The Taiwan ________ separates the Taiwan Island from the mainland. 2.One afternoon in the ________, a father polar bear and his son are walking around



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