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上海版牛津英语8B-Unit2-词组 8B Unit 2 单词 短语 1, more valuable than gold 比金子还贵重 21, It’s time for sb. to do 到了某人做某事的时候了 2, the amount of water 水量 22, take sb. To... 带某人去某地 3, in the bathroom 在浴室里 23, a water treatment works 水处理厂 4, brush one’s teeth 刷牙 24, a sewage plant 污水处理厂 5, be on 开着,在上映 25, pump...into... 将……用泵抽入…… 6, The tap is on 水龙头开着 26, give a thorough cleaning 进行彻底的净化 7, sth. pour into the sink 某物流入水槽 27, add some chemicals to... 把一些化学品加入…… 8, sth. vanish down the drain 某物流入下水道消失 28, the end of the journey 旅途的终点 9, turn the tap off =turn off the tap 关掉水龙头 29, be/ come/ get/ go back 回来 10, say loudly 大声地说 30, remember (not) to do 记得(不)要去做 11, look around 环顾 31, wait a minute 等一会 12, waste water 浪费水 32, What do you mean by...? 你所谓的……是什么意思? 13, finish with 完成,结束 33, come from 来自…… 14, sound impatient 听起来不耐烦 34, come out of 从……出来 15, It’s adj. for sb. to do sth. 对于某人做某事是怎么样的 35, talk to/ with sb. 与某人谈话 16, float comfortably in a cloud 舒服地飘在云中 have a word with sb. 17, enjoy the view 欣赏风景 36, stop to do 停止去做某事 18, drop sth. Into... 把.……扔入…… stop doing 停止做某事 19, speed down the mountain 快速地延山坡向下 37, start doing/ start to do


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