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中考高频词汇 patient n. adj. n. 病人,患者 (可数名词 ) 如: He is examining a patient. adj. 有耐“心的 ” 表示对人有耐心 后接介词 with 表示对事有耐心 / 有忍耐力,后接介词 of 如: We must be patient with children. 2. expression n. 表达;表情 如: Language is a means for the expression of thought. Levin sat there, an expression of sadness on his face. 【拓展】 express vt. 表达,表示。后一般不接 that 从句,接疑问词引导的从句。 如: I can ’ t express how grateful I am to you. 2) vt. express + 反身代词 “表达某人自己 的想法,感情 ” 如: I don’ t know if I ’ ve expressed myself clearly. 3) adj. 快速的,快递的 如: This is an express train for Beijing. 3. discover 1) v. (第一个 ) 发现 如: Have the astronauts discovered life on Mars? 2) v. 懂得 如: I discovered how to start the engine. 3) v. (出乎意料地 ) 发现,发觉 如: We have discovered him to be honest. 【联想】 discovery n. 发现;被发现的东西 【辨析】 discover; invent; find; find out 含义  例句 “发现,看出 ”通过调查、实验等发现 discover 原来已经存在, 但尚未被人了解, 认 A new coal mine was discovered in this district. 这地区发现了一个新的煤矿。 识或挖掘到的事物、真相。 “发明 ”通过思考实验、研究,发明 invent 了以前从未存在过的新物品, 新手段 James invented the basket game many years ago. 或新方法。 “发现,找到 ”,强调结果,偶然发现, find 或经过一番寻找才得到所需要的或 They found him somewhere to live. 丢失的东西。 “查明,弄清楚 ”,一般有明确目的, find out 通过观察探索发现事实的真相, 多指 We must find out who broke the window. 发现无形的,隐私的事情。 repeat v. 重复 ; 重说 ; 重写;背诵( repeat sth to sb)(不能和 again 连用) : She repeated her story to us. I repeated after the teacher word by word. She could repeat many poems from memory at the age of five. v. 再次发生 ; 重演( repeat itself) 如: The UN will have to work hard to stop history from repeating itself. n. (电视或电台节目的 ) 重播, “重复 ”的内容可由介词 of 引出。如: There will be a repeat of this programme next week. note v. 注意;记录 如: I failed to note that he had left. Our class notes the weather daily on a chart. n. 笔记;音符;钞票;纸币;便笺;语气如: She lectured without notes. He wrote me a note asking if I would come. I really couldnt understand the text— I had to refer to the notes at the back. There was a note of anger in her voice. Do you want the money in notes or coins? She has a deep voice and doesnt even try for the high n


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