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. 必修 1 词组归纳总结 Unit 1 Friendship 梦想做某事 dream of/about doing the ruins 1. 把…加起来 add up sth 15.代替,而不是 instead of 总计共达 add up to 1 毕业于 (某大学)graduate from … 16. 纪 念 , 向 表 示 敬 意 in 把……加到……里add sth. to sth 2 说服某人做某事 persuade sb to honour of 2. 平静 / 镇静下来 calm down do sth 17.数以万计的 tens of thousands of 3. 关心 / 挂念 (某人 / 某事) 3 说服别人不要做某事 persuade sb 18.超过,不仅 more than be concerned about not to do sth 19.掉下,倒塌 fall down 4. 应该 / 有责任做某事 have got 4 使某人对某事感兴趣 arise one ’s 20.结束,终结 at an end to (do sth.) interest in sth 21.挖掘,发现 dig out 5. 经历 / 经受……;穿过;浏览 5 做某事的最好方式 the best way Unit 5 Nelson go through to do sth Mandela —a modern 6. 躲 / 藏起来 hide away 6 坚持做某事 insist on doing sth hero 7. 一连串 / 一系列的 a series of 7 坚持要某人做某事 insist (that) sb 1. 把……送进监狱 put …into 8. 写下 / 记下 set down (should) do sth prison 9. 受 痛苦 / 受损 失 / 受 折磨 8 改变主意 change one ’s mind 2.事实上 in fact, as a matter of fact, suffer from 9 在…的高度 at an altitude of … 3. 同……作斗争 fight against 10. 和某人(很好地)相处 get 10 下定决心做某事 make up one ’s 4 上台 come to power along (well) with mind to do sth 5 犯法 break th


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