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二、短文翻译练习3  活塞(piston)与汽缸(cylinder)的配合间隙,对发动机的使用寿命影响极大。影响配合间隙的主要因素是活塞在工作状态下的变形。真实反映活塞变形情况,已广泛采用有限元法(finite element method)进行数值分析。 译文一:The joint gap between a piston and a cylinder has great influence on the service life of an engine. The primary factor influencing the joint gap is the deformation of piston under working condition. In order to indicate the actual deformation of piston, the finite element method has been widely applied to analyze it numerically. 二、短文翻译练习3  活塞与汽缸的配合间隙,对发动机的使用寿命影响极大。影响配合间隙的主要因素是活塞在工作状态下的变形。真实反映活塞变形情况,已广泛采用有限元法进行数值分析。 译文二: As the joint gap between a piston and a cylinder has great influence on the service life of an engine, while the primary factor influencing the joint gap is the deformation of piston under working condition, it is important to indicate the actual deformation of piston and for this purpose the finite element method has been widely applied to analyze it numerically. c.科技英语长句的翻译方法 从以上各种长句的分析中可以看到,要掌握科技英语的翻译方法,首先要抓住全句的中心内容,弄清楚在逻辑上哪个是主要的,哪些是次要的。然后进行全句的语法分析,指出主句和从句,以及这些语句中的各个成分,并理解这些成分之间的关系。在这个基础上,按照反语表达方式,把长句译成较短的汉语句子。 下面介绍三种翻译方法:顺序法、逆序法和分译法。 顺序法:如果英与原文的叙述层次跟汉语相近,就可 以按照原文的层次翻译,这是顺序翻译法。 This simple fact shows that the more of the force of friction is got rid of, the farther will the ball travel, and we are led to infer that, if all the impeding forces of gravitation and resistance could be removed, there is no reason why the ball, once in motion, should ever stop. 这个简单事实证明,摩擦力去除的越多,球会滚的越远;由此我们可以推论出,如果一切起阻碍作用的引力和阻力能够去除的话,就没有理由认为处于运动中的球还会停下来。 逆序法:如果英语原文的叙述层次跟汉语逻辑相反,这时就要适当改变原文内容表达顺序。一般说来,从原文的后面译起,逆着原文的顺序进行翻译. Aluminum remained unknown until the nineteenth century, because nowhere in nature is it found free, owing to its always being combined with other elements, most commonly with oxygen, for which it has strong affinity. 铝总是和其他元素结合在一起,最普遍的是和氧结合在一起,因为铝对氧有很强的亲和力。由于这个原因,在自然界中任何地方都找不到游离状态的铝;所以一直到十九世纪人们才知道有铝。 分译法: 由是英语长句中的主句与从句、不定式短语、分词短语等所叙述的内容,关系不很密切,各具有相对的独立意义,这时就应该按照汉语多用短语的习惯,进行翻译。汉语中常把比较复杂的概念,运用一连串



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