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Family or Household Decision Making Families and Households families are related by blood or marriage households are people living together, but not necessarily related Types of Households/Families What is the Family Lifecycle (FLC) Family Life-cycle bachelor newly married, no kids young couple, kids 6 young couple, kids 6 older married w/ dep. empty nesters, working retired widower - working, not working Changes Over Life-Cycle financial situation brands considered interests primary decision maker Household Decision Making Households vary in consumption habits depending on stage where they are in family life cycle Household decision making is also different from individual decision making Family role structure orientation influences household decision making Nature of good or service to be purchased and consumed influences household decision making Family Decision Conflict Husband-Wife Decision Making Influence may depend on the good or service to be purchased, role structure orientation, stage of the decision making process four categories: husband-dominated; wife-dominated autonomous or unilateral; joint decision Consumption-related Roles Initiators: initiate consumption behaviour Information Gatherers: research alternatives Gatekeepers: control flow of information to other members Influencer(s): provide information about a good or service to other members Deciders: have power to make final buying decision Buyers: member(s) who actually make purchase Preparers: transform product into useable form Users: family members who use the good or service Maintainers: responsible for maintenance of good Disposers: responsible for disposal of good/service Marketing Strategy Implications Marketing communication: advertising message, media used, person targeted, product positioning Product development: products, e.g. minivans and cars built specifically for families; vacations; services, e.g. insurance, hotel Pricing decisions: e.g. discounts for bulk purchases Dis



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