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马克思主义视角下全球金融危机的原因分析 ——兼及我国经济发展对 内容摘要:由2007 年初美国次贷危机引起的金融危机迅速波及到全世界范 围,其深远影响震撼了世界,远远超过以往任何一次危机。许多专家学者对此进 行了深入细致的研究,其分析角度有监管方面、制度原因、新自由主义、信用缺 失等等,诚然这些都是本次危机的产生原因。但是究其根本,还是要回到马克思 主义的认识上来,即资本主义的基本矛盾才是经济危机爆发的根源,不改变资本 主义制度,经济危机就无法避免。我国经济正在飞速发展,不断融入世界经济, 因此也难免受到经济危机的影响。我国需要从制度完善、金融监管、经济结构调 整、扩大内需、缩小收入差距等多方面入手来加强自身建设,减少甚至消除经济 危机的影响,推动我国经济持续健康的发展。 关键词:马克思主义,金融危机,金融监管,扩大内需 I Marxist view’s reason analysis of the global financial crisis ——Unity of Chinas economic development strategies Abstract :By the early 2007 the financial crisis caused by American subprime crisis spread quickly to worldwide ,its far-reaching influence rocked the world ,far more than any before the crisis 。Many experts and scholars are on the study, the thorough analysis Angle have regulatory system ,new liberalism ,credit ,etc ,all these are the cause of the crisis 。But to find the fundamental reason should return to the understanding of Marxism ,namely the capitalist basic contradiction is the root of the economic crisis ,without changing the capitalist system ,economic crisis is inevitable 。 Our economy is booming ,and integrating into the world economy ,also influenced by the economic crisis 。The country needs a complete system ,financial supervision,economic structure adjustment ,the expansion of domestic demand ,the narrowing of income gap as to strengthen self-construction ,reduce or even eliminate the economic crisis’s influence ,promote the sustainable and healthy development of economy in China 。 Keyword :Marxist ,financial crisis ,financial regulation ,expand domestic demand II 2007 年 4 月,以美国第二大次级房贷公司新世界金融公司破产事件为标志, 美国爆发了自 20 世纪 30 年代以来最为严重的金融危机。随后这场金融风暴以迅 雷不及掩耳之势向世界范围蔓延,其波及范围之广大、冲击力之强大、连锁效应 之巨大远远超过以往任何一次经济


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