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PAGE Unit 2单元知识检测 一、根据首字母或汉语提示写出单词. 1. Tom thinks it's very_______(有意义的)to help the elderly. 2. Sandy and her family are watching an interesting TV_______(节目). 3. We're in the hope of _______ (成功), but we aren't afraid of failure. 4. he_______ (经历) of visiting the poor school is special. I won't f_______ that. 5. It's too late. I think it's h_______to wait for buses here. We can take a taxi. 6. Your dictionary is u_______ for you. Can you lend it to me? 7. Smoking is h_______ to your health. 8. If you go on to study harder and be more_______ (care), I'm sure you'll be s_______ next time. 9.My little brother enjoys watching (卡通片) a lot. 10. Qingdao is a s city. It’s very beautiful. 11. Can you help me, Millie? I need a c of chairs. 12. I have been in Tianjin for three days. I (想念) my parents so much! 13.These apple (馅饼) are delicious. Would you like to have one? 14. Beijing is the c center of China. 15. You have heart trouble, so it’s dangerous for you to take the r coaster. 二、翻译下列短语. 1.进行一次旅行_____________________ 2.带上所有的东西___________________ 3.去滑雪___________________________ 4.一整天___________________________ 5.乘地铁去……(2种)_____________ 6.在入口处_________________________ 7.对……感兴趣_____________________ 8. 一天中最好的部分________________ 9.行进穿过公园_____________________ 10.看一场3D电影___________________ 11.例如_____________________________ 12.拍了许多照片_____________________ 13. 一队(行)人____________________ 14.去了某地_________________________ 15.成为……之中的一员_______________ 用所给词的适当形式填空. 1. - Where's Simon? - He _______ (go) to the library. He_______ (not come) back yet. 2. Ben _______ (go) to the library five minutes ago, 3. Sam _______ (buy) another computer yesterday. He _______ already _______ (have) a computer. 4. We _______ (not know) him until last year. We_______ (know) him since last year. 5. -_______ you ever _______ (be) to the Great Wall? - No, I _______. I'll go there next month. 6. Lucy ______



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