新标准大学英语第四册 unit 7 active reading 1 课文及译文.pdfVIP

新标准大学英语第四册 unit 7 active reading 1 课文及译文.pdf

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学 海 无 涯 The passage is written imaginatively as the memories of a house. Using unusual narrators such as houses, cars, pets and so on is frequently a feature of children’s books. The statements are made by the house. 美好的回忆 Golden memories 虽然这个房子已经换了许多户人家了,但直到现在我还记得 I can still remember the men who built the walls, and raised the roof, 那些筑墙、盖屋顶的工人。 当时马路对过那座庄园大宅的主 even though it was many families ago. The master from the manor Large private house 庄园 on the other side of the road 人需要建一个小屋给他的园丁住。他在这片连绵不断的巨大 house over the way needed a lodge for his groundsman to live, and 马路对面 的丘陵果园中找到了一片空地,并派工人到本地的采石场运 found a clearing in the huge orchard which ran up and down the A small house at the entrance to the grounds of a large house 来金黄色的石头。工人们花了三个月的时间在园子里建起了 hills. He sent workman to bring the golden stone from the local 偏房,下房 这两座农家小屋。 quarry and they spent three months building two cottages in the A groundsman is a person whose job is to look after a park park. or sports ground 管理员 A clearing is a small area in a forest where there are no trees or bushes 空地 An orchard is an


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