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Unit 6 Ar1 A. Words and phrases illuminate vt. 1) make a place bright with light, or to shine a light on something 照明;照亮;照射 2) make something much clearer and easier to understand 阐明;解释;使易懂 e.g. 1. The room was illuminated by the glow of the fire. 房间被炉火照得通明。 2. His lecture illuminated and explained many scientific phenomena. 他的讲座阐明并解释了许多科学现象。 exhilarating a. making you feel extremely happy, excited, and full of energy 使人异常高兴的;让人极度兴奋的;令人精力充沛的 e.g. Racing down the ski slope for the first time was an exhilarating experience. 第一次急速滑下滑雪坡道真是万分刺激。 composed a. 1) calm and relaxed 镇定的;镇静的 e.g. 1. He was pale but perfectly composed. 他脸色苍白,却十分镇静。 2. Anger appeared on her usually composed face. 她平素安详的脸上出现了怒容。 unified a. behaving or treated as one group, country, or system 联合的;一体的 e.g. 1. He sought to make a poem as unified as a tune. 他试图使一首诗像一个曲调那样浑然一体。 2. It’s hard to find a unified approach that will work well in all schools. 很难找到一个能适合所有学校、统一标准的方法。 Word family: unify v. vocal a. 1) using the voice to express something 充满声响的;响声回荡的 e.g. Public opinion at last became vocal. 终于舆论哗然。 2) relating to the voice, or done with the voice 嗓音的;发音的 e.g. They can send out non-linguistic vocal effects like laughs and sobs. 它们可以发出像笑声和呜咽这些非语言的声音效果。 strain n. [C, U] pressure caused by a difficult situation 负担 ;压力 e.g. 1. This war will put a great strain on the economy. 这场战争将给经济造成巨大的压力。 2. It’s a real strain having to get up so early! 这么早起床真是一种压力! 3. The mental strain of sharing an office with Alison was starting to tell. 与艾利森共用一间办公室所引起的精神压力正在开始显现。 eclipse vt. n. 1) vt. make someone or something seem less successful or important, by becoming more successful or important than they are 使黯然失色;使蒙上阴影;使相形见绌;光芒盖过…… e.g. 1. Their happ


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