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2004.2 创建武汉生态文明综合示范区,应用最新理论建设中国小城镇建设样板 五里界生态城暨 中国光谷伊托邦 城市设计方案 北京大学景观设计学研究院 北京土人景观与建筑规划设计研究院 2010.7.30 第一部分:设计理念 2004.2 大脚革命走向新桃源 The little foot Aesthetic and little foot urbanism 小脚美学与小脚城市主义 2004.2 For more than a thousand years, young Chinese girls were forced to bind their feet in order to be able to marry citified elites, and the natural “big” feet were considered rustic and rural. Unhealthy, and deprived of productivity, low performance and stink, but “beautiful” Sacrifices function for the ornamental value 2004.2 Urbanity (citified small foot ) vs. Rustic ( rural big foot,欧洋画) 城市(小脚丫) 乡下 (大脚丫) 2004.2 “ ” “ ” 城市和景观则是这种贵族文化和价值观的最宏大的展现 2004.2 2004.2 Rural Vs. Urbane Big foot Vs. Little foot 乡下 ----城市 2004.2 Big Foot Landscape 真实的桃花源,大脚景观,丰产而美丽 Little Foot Landscape 贵族的虚假的桃花源,小脚景观 2004.2 因此,我们包裹自然之脚以换取城市性 500 year flood controlling dike surrounding Hainan Island, the last undeveloped paradise 2004.2 因此,我们急于将粗野和丰产变为高雅而无用 Rural: Crops along country roadUrban Rural: Crops along country road Urban:Ornamentals along new country 2004.2Worse!! 2004.2 Worse!! The little foot urbanism + American jumbo Dream 更糟糕的是:中国小脚城市主义审美观+美国的巨物主义消费观 ( Courtesy of Dr. Mitchell Joachim, 2009) ( Courtesy of Dr. Mitchell Joachim, 2009) 2004.2 Cement steel coal The consumption of building material in China as compared to the whole world, But where do they go? 我们耗费其多,却为那般? 2004.2The Dream City: bound, deformed, and jumbo, and ornamental….. 2004.2 The Dream City: bound, deformed, and jumbo, and ornamental….. the “urban”, turn out to be the dentist’s tool box or Disneyland: Shanghai 梦中的城市,原来是牙科大夫的工具箱:被裹足的巨物 Shanghai Shanghai 2004.2 2004.2 Little feet + jumbo body Little feet + jumbo body This path of urbanization and gentrification, is a path to death 小脚+巨物,走向死亡的城市 2004.2 How can we survive? 我们将何以生存 400个城市缺水 75% 地表水污染 50%湿地消失 Flood: annual flood damage cost 100 billion US $, 10 million people live in flood plain Draught: 400 of 662 cities in shortage of water, 20 million people are in sho


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