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课时作业 48 情态动词与虚拟语气 一、从下面方框中选择恰当的情态动词填空。 错误! 1.If you want to book tickets for the 2016 Olympic Games, just call It be simpler. 答案 couldn't According to the schoolrules, no student go out of the school after 23:00 sharp. 答案 shall — I'm leaving now. — It's so late. Better stay with me. Call a taxi if you . 答案 must 4.She was worried that we get hurt. 答案 might — I am really sorry to say that I have shouted at you the other day. — Forget it. I was a bit out of control myself too. 答案 shouldn't — A medical team was sent to Japan by air five hours ago. — So they have arrived by now. The flight usually takes four hours or so. 答案 must You buy much win—e only three people will come. 答案 needn't The driver tried everything he could think of, but the car just move. 答案 wouldn't 9.It is important to know about the cultural differences that cause problems. 答案 may 10.Don't play with the dog, Jack, for it be dangerousat times. 答案 can 二、根据所提供的情景,用适当的情态动词完成句子。 You (drive) if you are drunk, first because it's dangerous and second because it's against the law. 答案 can't/mustn't drive As it turned out to be a small party, we (not dress) up so formally. 答案 needn't have dressed How I help them to understand when they won't listen to me? 答案 can Don't you think it essential that every person of Brazil spare no effort to make contributions to the 2014 FIFA World Cu?p 答案 should 5.She comb her hair at the table, even though she knows I don't like it. 答案 will — She looks very happy. She (pass) the exam. — I guess so. It's not difficult after all. 答案 must have passed — the new housemaid cook some supper for you, T?om — No, tell her I'll eat outside tonight. 答案 Shall — Who has broken the window in my room? — Who else have done it but your naughty so!n 答案 could — My cat's really fat. — You (not) have given her so much food. 答案 shouldn't 10.I know that you are dieting but you eat at least an apple. 答案 should 三、根据汉语提示,用句末括号内的单词完成句子。 包裹整整晚了一周。我多么希望我选择航空邮寄啊。


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