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Walrus Joins In 海象参加表演 Walnus 海象 North Pole 北极 show ANYONE do skating Arctic Fox 北极狐 Polar Bear 北极熊 Whale 鲸 Seal 海豹 do tumbling 表演翻跟头 quite like me 有我那么好 do diving 表演潜水 won a prize 得过奖 terrible 很糟 chewed his whiskers 嚼着胡须 go up his nose 进到鼻子里 sadly 伤心地 never mind 没关系 practiced hard 刻苦训练 hid behind 藏在…后面 snowdrift (风吹成的)雪堆 the big night 大晚会 front row 前排 bowed 鞠躬 cheered 喝起了彩;叫起好来 forwards 向前 backwards 向后 sideways 向两侧 circles 圆圈 figures of eight 8 字 elegant (举止)优雅 amazing 令人惊叹 sure 确信 leap 跳,跳跃 trip up 站不稳 fall over 摔倒 bumped into 撞上了 went flat on her face 摔了个大马趴 flomp 扑通一声 upset 不高兴 ruined 毁了 wailed 大声叫道 it was Polar Bear’s turn 轮到北极熊了 rolled out 打着滚出来 clapped 鼓掌,拍手 wildly 狂热 did jumps and spins and somersaults 表演了 跳跃、旋转和翻跟头 stood on his head 倒立,拿大顶 look such fun 看起来十分好玩 All of a sudden 突然 tripped up Polar Bear 把北极熊绊倒了 wallop 哗啦一声 pretty 很 gave Walrus a don’t-you-dare stare 瞪了海象 一眼(意思说“看你敢”) rejoices 高兴 the Northern Lights 北极光 sweetly 甜美地 along with 跟…一起 rusty 生了锈的 burst into floods of tears 哭得泪流满面 with an enormous splash 哗的一声巨响 flippers 鳍肢 twitch 颤动 bristled 竖起了 tried his very best 竭尽全力 brilliant 绝妙的 hold my nose 捏住鼻子 spout a big jet of water 喷出一大柱水 whoosh (鲸喷气发出的声音)噗嗤 landed 落 splosh 扑通一声 furious 气疯了 meddling 瞎搅合的 incompetent 没本事的 buffoon 小丑 roared 吼道 Get out of my sight!(=Go away!)滚开 scary 吓人 fled 逃走了 blushing 满面通红 like mad 疯狂;拼命 clown 小丑 cheers 叫好声,喝彩声 shuffled 一步一拖地走 it couldn’t be any worse 也坏不到那里去 overjoyed 欣喜若狂 do it properly 好好干 clowning around 到处做小丑表演 As long as 只要 Noisy Neighbours 吵闹的邻居 Flinch 弗林奇 Carl Clutch Poppy Plink grim 难看的 grey 灰色 unhappy 不幸福 miser 守财奴,吝啬鬼 gave away a smile 露出一个笑容 gave away a penny 捐出一个便士 mean 吝啬的、尖刻的 miserable 悲惨的 stood a jolly red one 立着一栋好看的红房子 belonged to 属于 mended cars 修车 motorbikes 摩托车 vans 厢型车(常为客货两用) lorries 卡车(等于美国英语 trucks) woke up to hear 醒来就听到 hammers banging 锤子砰砰 spanners clanging 扳手当啷 engines revving 发动机轰鸣 shook with the noise 跟着噪声摇晃起来 bright blue 天蓝色的 grand tunes 美妙的曲子 grand piano 大钢琴(又叫三角钢琴或卧式钢琴) arrive 到来 violin 小提琴


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