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The Grammar-Translation Method 语法翻译法 Do you remember ... ? Content Definition定义 Background背景 Teaching Process教学过程 Advantages优势 Disadvantages劣势 Definition The Grammar-Translation Method is a method of foreign or second language teaching which uses translation and grammar study as the main teaching and learning activities. 有别是外国或第二语言教学方法使用翻译和语法研究为主要教学和学习活动。 Background Political changes happened in Europe in the 16th century.政治变革发生在16世纪的欧洲。 Latin became the most widely studied language in the world.拉丁语成为研究最广泛的语言在世界上。 The need to study classical culture,which was worshiped in the Renaissance.需要研究古典文化,崇拜的复兴。 Theoretical Basis理论基础 Theory of language:理论的语言 Generally speaking,the Grammar-Translation Method belonged to the school of traditional linguisitics.一般来说,传统linguisitics有别属于学校。 Theory of learning:理论学习 The theory of learning underlying the Grammar-Translation Method was Faculty Psychology.学习的理论基础有别官能心理学。 Teaching Process Example Step 1: Teaching the words meaning and part of speech in Chinese, like red,yellow,blue,then read them several times. Step 2: Open the text.Following the teacher to read The book is red. The pencil is yellow. It is green.It is blue. Then ask students to translate them into Chinese. Example Step 3: Explaining the structure of grammar in Chinese, like (东西) is (颜色) 与 It is(颜色) Step 4: Requiring students to do exercises of English-Chinese or Chinese-English translation.Like, the box is green.The door is blue. It is red. 或“那个球是蓝的” “它是黄的”. Advantages The first language is maintained as the reference system.Translation from one language to another plays a certain part in language learning. Systematic study of grammatical rules plays an important role in fostering students ability for reading comprehension and grammatical production. Advantages The focus on understanding literary texts provides the situation in which reading and writing abilitied are well trained. The Grammar-Translation Method makes few demands on teach


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