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/ / / / 水利工程防汛措施及抢险策略探析 Analysis of flood prevention measures of water conservancy project and emergency strategy 咱们常说的水利工程防汛指的是经过水利工程来对洪水进行有用地拦蓄然后完成对洪水洪量的调理、洪峰的削减、滞洪以及分洪,以此来对洪水原有的运动状况进行调整,完成操控洪水、削减人员伤亡和经济损失的意图。 Water conservancy project for flood control and we often say refers to the flood of water conservancy project to effectively retain and completion of the flood volume, flood peak conditioning cuts, detention and diversion, in order to adjust the motion state of the original intention to complete control of flood, flood, reduce casualties and economic losses. 从一般的意义上来说,水库就是在山沟上缔造拦河坝,用阻拦径流的方法来举高水位构成蓄水体,这就是咱们所说的人工湖泊。而关于平原区域来说,水库是以凹地、湖泊等作为基础,经过在这些凹地、湖泊等地的周围建筑操控闸、围堤等来构成水库。   From the general sense, is to create a reservoir in the mountain valley, by blocking runoff for high level of water body, this is what we call the artificial lake. On the plain area, reservoir is in depression, lakes such as foundation, through these depressions, lakes and buildings around the gate control, embankment to constitute a reservoir. 水库的防汛作业必需要顾及到上游和下流两方面。为了保证水库上游居民的生命和产业不受要挟,必需要加强对水库内的蓄水高度办理,严厉束缚其高度,保证其在安全的规模之内;水库泄洪量的巨细要视下流的河道实践的状况而定。假如在一个流域中建有多个水库,就必需要加强彼此之间的协作运用,使其可以发扬干流和支流错峰以及抵偿调理的效果。水库不光要可以及时的调整库容来寄存洪水,还必需要具有可以长时间坚持定量的需水量的才能。总而言之,在防汛的关联作业中,水库既要统筹上、下流,还要对一部分洪水施行阻拦并将其转化为可供运用的水资源,供大家的平常日子、生产活动运用。 Reservoir flood control operation will need to take into account the upstream and downstream two. In order to ensure the reservoir upstream residents life and industry is not threatened, must strengthen the reservoir storing water in the high management, strict constraint to its height, ensure the safe scale; the size of the reservoir flood discharge to river downstream of the situation and practice. If in a basin with a reservoir, you will need to strengthen collaboration with each other, so that it can carry forward the main stream and tributaries of the peak and offset the effect of the conditioning. The reservoir will not only can be adjusted in time to register the da


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