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化解物流曲棍球棒效应的策略 应用自动分拣系统, 提高分拣效率 目前, 国内快递企业分拨中心的自动化程度不高, 在作件、 分拣、配送等环节上需要大量的人力。自动化的分拣比人工分拣能在业务量突增时通过更连续、更快速地分拣货物,来缓解快件在分拨中心的积压。 (二) 加强物流标准化建设, 促进物流一体化运作 整个物流运作当中还存在标准不统一的问题。由于标准的不统一导致物流运作的一体化水平难以发挥, 资源也难以集约。解决物流标准化问题,就能大大提整个物流系统的运转效率。 (三) 促进物流企业的资源共享, 实现共同配送 共同配送模式即多个物流企业联合起来,在城市配送时由一个第三方物流企业统一进行配送。共同配送一方面可以削减在途车辆,另一方面能通过单车装载率的提升来提高配送效率。这样第三方物流企业就能在城市配送范围内进行精准配送,统筹安排配送货物、 时间、 批次和路线,物流成本则由参与物流企业进行合理分摊。这样不仅大大降低了配送成本,还提高了配送效率。 (四)建立人员储备制度, 稳定从业人员队伍 不能再为了应付双十一而临时高薪招聘快递人员,而要建立长期人员储备制度。完善绩效考核机制, 建立合理奖惩制度, 保证从业队伍的人员稳定, 提高员工专业素质, 最终提升服务质量。 The strategy of Logistics hockey stick effect (a) application of automatic sorting system, improve the sorting efficiency Nowadays, The automatic degree of domestic express distribution centers are low. The workpiece such as sorting and distribution process requires a lot of people. Automated sorting can select goods more ?continuous?and fast than manual sorting?when sudden increase of portfolio, so it can relieve the express distribution center in the backlog (b)strengthen the construction of logistics standardization, promote the integration of logistics operation the logistics operation exist the problem?of no unified standard. logistics operation level of integration is difficult to play and resources are difficult to intensive due to the standard is not unified. In order to pomote the logistics system operation efficiency, solve the problem of logistics standardization are needed (c) Promote logistics enterprise resource sharing and realize common distribution Joint distribution mode in which logistics enterprises are join up, ?a third party logistics enterprise unified distribution In urban. ?on the one hand, Joint distribution can be cut in road vehicles,??on the other hand Through the cubed out of each car?can improve the efficiency of distribution. So the third party logistics enterprise?can accurate delivery ?within the scope of the urban distribution. Arrange delivery of the goods Control it?time batch and rout


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