莎剧赏析之十二暴风雨TheTempest 精选文档.ppt

莎剧赏析之十二暴风雨TheTempest 精选文档.ppt

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莎劇賞析之十二:《暴風雨》 The Tempest 董 崇 選 中山醫大應用外語系教授 懂更懂學習英文網站負責人 網址: dgdel.nchu.edu.tw I. The Plot: ? Type : Romantic Comedy 或 Romantic Fantasy ? Time : 15th Century ? Locale : An island in the sea (the Mediterranean Sea) ? First presented : 1611 II. Principal Characters: ? Prospero : the former rightful Duke of Milan ? Miranda: Prosperos daughter ? Alonso: King of Naples ? Ferdinand: Alonsos son ? Antonio: Prosperos treacherous brother ? Sebastian: Alonsos brother ? Gonzalo: a courtier faithful to Prospero ? Ariel: a spirit faithful to Prospero ? Caliban: the monstrous son of Sycorax ? Stephano: a drunken butler ? Trinculo: a clownish companion of Stephano III. The Story: ? 第一幕 : Alonso, Sebastian, Antonio, and their retainers are coming back from Tunis. Their ships are endangered by a wild storm caused by Prosperos “art.” Miranda fears that the ships might sink. Prospero assures her that no harm is done. Then he tells her how Antonio usurped his dukedom and how he and Miranda came to live on the island. And then he questions Ariel, making sure that everything has happened as planned. Ariel lures Ferdinand to the spot where he and Miranda may fall in love at first sight. III. The Story: ? 第二幕 : Gonzalo attempts to console Alonso, who regrets having married his daughter to Tunis. Ariel lulls all to sleep except Sebastian and Antonio. Antonio urges Sebastian to kill Alonso in sleep and usurp his kingdom. But Ariel awakens Gonzalo in time and the King is saved. Meanwhile, Caliban lies down to escape the notice of Trinculo, who then crawls under Calibans cloak for fear of the impending storm. Stephano enters singing tipsily. He mistakes Trinculo and Caliban for a rare monster. Finally, Caliban swears to serve Stephano for the sake of his divine alcohol. III. The Story: ? 第


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