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实用标准文案 课题 Unit 5 It ’s time to change (period 1 ) 知识目标: (1 )Students can know and use words describing health “ pale, weak ,fat, thin, sleepy, angry etc ”. (2 )Ss can understand phrases about weekend activities, such as: climb the mountain, do outdoor activities, watch TV, stay at home etc. (3 )Ss are able to use sentence structures about showing prefere nce :I ’d rather …… I prefer to …… 教学目标 I like/love/enjoy …… 能力目标: (1 )Ss can understand suggestions about cultivating heal thy habits while listening. (2 )Ss are able to use sentence structures “ I ’d rather ……,I like …, I love …, I prefer to ……” to show their preferred living habits. 情感目标: Ss know more healthy habits and start to cultivate own healthy living habits. 教学重点: ① Ss can catch the key words and sentence structures a bout living habits and suggestions in the listening part. 重点难点 ② Ss manage to talk with others about living habits and give sug gestions in the dialogues. 教学难点: Ss can use words or sentence structures related with livi 文档 实用标准文案 ng habits and suggestions in the real situations. 教学方法: 问答、讨论、练习 教学准备: PPT、多媒体 教学程序与策略 备注 教学 教学内容


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