5unit2单词课件 文档.ppt

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Unit 2 The United Kingdom Useful words and expressions 1 . Consist vi. 由 …… 组成;由 …… 构成 搭配 1) consist of 由 … 组成 , 由 … 构成 , 包括 ( 注意 : 不能用于被动语态和进行时态 ) = be made up of ? Eg. This club consists of more than 200 members. ? A university consists of teachers, administrators and students ? 2) consist in 在于 , 存在于 ? The beauty of the picture consists in its balance of colors. ? 3) consist with 一致 , 符合 ? The information consists with his account 2.divide divide …into … 把 … 分成 … divide sth. among / between sb. 在 … 中分 配 divide A from B 使分离 ; 使分开 divide … by… 用 … 除以 ( 某数除以某数) ? Eg. ? The teacher divided our class into four groups. ? Children ,divided the cake up between/among you. ? 15 devided by 3 is 5. divide, separate 都有“分开”之意。 divide 指把一个整体按要求分成几个部分, 暗示分配之意;也可指分开两个对立的 事物。 separate 指把两个人或物分开,着重从原属 一个整体中移居一部分或把两者隔开。 The world is divided into five continents. Lets divide the cake into three. He separated the big eggs from the small ones. The two communities are separated by a highway. 1). The apple was _______ into two. 2). We _______the money equally. 3). Oxygen can be ________ from water. 4). The Taiwan Strait ________ Taiwan from Fujian. divided divided separated separates Have a try. ? 3. clarify vt. 澄清 , 讲清楚 ; 阐明 vi. 得到澄清 ; 变得明晰 I hope that what I say will clarify the situation. His mind suddenly clarified . 拓展 : clarification n. 4.break away ( from ) 挣脱 , 逃脱 The prisoner broke away from his guards. Can you break away from old habits? What can we do to help them break away from the difficult position? break 的习惯搭配 : break down 抛锚 , 出故障 , 身体跨了 break into 闯入 , 突然发出 break out ( 战争、瘟疫、火灾 ) 爆发 break off 中断 break the rules 违反规则 break a record 打破记录 5.convenience n. 方便 , 便利 ;便利的事 convenient adj. 适合需要的 , 方便的 习惯搭配 :


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