高中英语 Module 1《Europe》reading 文本素材 外研版必修3.docVIP

高中英语 Module 1《Europe》reading 文本素材 外研版必修3.doc

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4 - 3 - 用心 爱心 专心 Module1 Europe-reading素材 Section 1 Background readings for Module 1 1. Greece Greece occupies the southernmost part of the Balkan Peninsula. Athens is its capital and largest city. 2. Lisbon Lisbon, capital of Portugal. Lisbon is Portugal's largest city and its cultural, administrative, commercial, and industrial hub. It has one of the best harbors in Europe, handling a large trade, and it has become a major cruise port. 3. Portugal Portugal, officially Portuguese Republic. Portugal is bordered by Spain on the east and north and by the Atlantic Ocean on the west and south. The capital and by far the largest city is Lisbon. 4. Ireland Ireland is the third-largest island in Europe. It lies in the Atlantic Ocean and is part of the British Isles. 5. Scotland Scotland, political division of Great Britain, comprising the northern portion of the island of 6. Wales Wales is a country and one of the four constituent parts of the United Kingdom (along with England, Scotland, and Northern Ireland). Wales is located in the south-west of Great Britain. 7. Mediterranean A mediterranean sea, in oceanography, is a mostly enclosed sea that has limited exchange of deep water with outer oceans and where the water circulation is dominated by salinity and temperature differences rather than winds. 8. Alps Alps, great mountain system of S central Europe, c.500 mi (800 km) long and c.100 mi (160 km) wide. The Alps form the watershed of many of Europe's rivers, including the Rhine, the Rh?ne, the Po, and the Danube. 9. Seine The Seine is a major river of northern France, and one of its commercial waterways. It is also a tourist attraction, particularly within the city of Paris. 10. Eiffel The Eiffel Tower is an iron tower built on the Champ de Mars, beside the River Seine, in Paris, France. It is the most famous Paris landmark and is used as a symbol of the city. At the time of its construction in 1889 it was the tallest building in the



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