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简介 顾名思义,简介类短文指一段简单介绍 的文字。 NMET书面表达题中简介类的篇 幅一般控制在100词左右。 简介类短文主要 有以介绍人为中心和以介绍物为中心(包括 处所等)两类。 所写短文要求要点齐全、表达清楚、意思 连贯。 解题思路: 1。 分清记叙主体类别,看是以记人为主 还是以叙事为主。 2。 写人、记事往往交织在一起,虽然 不能截然分开,但应有侧重。中心要 突出,情节描写、对话叙述等要围绕 这个主题展开。 3。 六要素who, what, when, where, how, Why要交代清楚。 4。叙述简洁、详略得当。叙述一般按事 情的发生、发展和结局的时间顺序来写。 5。描写事物或处所要抓住其特征,要弄 清楚从哪些方面进行描述,以区别与其他 人或物。 6。描写要有顺序。写人时多由上到下, 由表及里。写物时由近及远,由总体到 局部,由主到次。 7。表现手法灵活多样,语言要形象生动 ,切忌平铺直叙。用最小的篇幅给读者 留下最深的印象。 Wang Xuan 王选, 1937年2月出生,于2006 年2月 13日去世。 1954-1958 就读于北京大学,留校工作。 1975-1992 研发了汉字激光照排系统(laser type-setting system) 2001,作为两院院士(an academician with both the Chinese Academy of Sciences and the Chinese Academy of Engineering)。获国家最高科学技术奖。 被誉为当代毕昇。 Father of laser type-setting system Wang Xuan, a pioneer of modern Chinese language printing, was born in Feb, 1937, and died after an illness at 11am Feb 13, 2006, in Beijing. He was 69. During 1954 and 1958, he studied in Peking University and later worked there. When Chinese printing companies were still using hand setting, Wang started the development of laser type-setting system from 1975, which continued 18 years. His invention has led Chinese printing into a new age. In 2001, as an academician with both the Chinese Academy of Sciences and the Chinese Academy of Engineering, he received the State Scientific and Technological Award, the nation's highest honour in the field of science. He will be remembered as modern Bi Sheng, because of his great contribution to china’s printing industry. 请用英文向你的同学介绍居里夫人 提示: 1。Madame Curie 1867年出生于波兰 一个教师家庭,死于1934年。 2。从小爱学习并希望成为科学家。16 岁中学毕业,24岁赴巴黎大学学习。 3。在1903年和1911年两次获诺贝尔 物理和化学奖。 4。这位伟大的女科学家将永远为人们 所怀念。 Madame Curie Madame Curie was a world famous woman scientist----discoverer of the element uranium. She was born in a teacher’s family in 1876 in Poland and died in 1934. From her childhood, she loved to study and hoped to become a scientist. She finished middle school at the age of 16. At 2


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