2020中考冲刺27 任务型阅读判断正误(教师版)【英语】临考题号押题.docVIP

2020中考冲刺27 任务型阅读判断正误(教师版)【英语】临考题号押题.doc

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题号27 任务型阅读判断正误 〖真题回顾〗 A 【2019 ?吉林省】 People send birthday greetings by using cards in both eastern and western countries.It is not known when and where exactly the tradition of sending birthday cards began.It is believed that it began in England in the early nineteenth century.In those days people sent birthday cards when they couldn't wish somebody a happy birthday in person. In 1840 the first stamp was used in Britain and sending birthday cards became easier,cheaper and more popular.The development of color printing processes(工艺流程)in the 1930s also helped to increase sales of birthday cards. Today cards are often given with a present, even when people can express their wishes face to face. In recent times e-cards have also become popular. Many people are starting to use e-cards instead of traditional cards because they are free, environmentally friendly and easy to arrive. So will e-cards take place of paper cards completely in ten or twenty years? Probably not. For example, for kids and old people, they don't use e-cads very often. If our birthday is coming soon, do you wish that at least one person could congratulate you with a beautiful card then? 根据短文内容,判断下列各句正(T)、误(F)。 1. People send birthday cards in different counties. 2. The tradition of sending birthday cards began in France in the early 18thcentury. 3. Sending birthday cards became more popular after the stamps were used. 4. We are sure that e-cards will take paper cards' place completely in twenty years. 5. Kids and old people often use e-cards. 【文章大意】本篇文章难度是适中,主要讲述生日贺卡的由来以及如今电子贺卡也变得越来越流行,但是电子贺卡不能完全取代纸质贺卡。 1.T【解析】细节理解题。根据People send birthday greetings by using cards in both eastern and western countries“在西方国家和东方国家,人们通过卡片发送生日祝福”可知,在不同的国家,人们都发送生日贺卡,故填T。 2.F【解析】细节理解题。根据It is believed that it began in England in the early nineteenth century“人们相信贺卡在19世纪早期在英国开始的”可知,发送贺卡不是在18世纪的法国开始的,故填F。 3.T 【解析】细节理解题。根据In 1840 the first stamp was used in Britain and sending birthday cards became easier,cheaper and more popul



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