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(档案管理)中学生化学学 习档案袋评价的个案研究 中学生化学学习档案袋评价的个案研究 摘 要 由于高考指挥棒的影响,在当今的教育体制下,对学生的评价只重视结果,而 忽视过程,没有充分发挥评价的评定,激励,反馈,反思等功能。有必要探讨新 课程所提倡的新的评价方式。 档案袋研究自 2000 年以后越来越受广大一线教师的青睐,大量研究实验表 明,中学生通过学习档案袋的收集、整理和反思,它不仅促使学生学习成绩提高, 也使学生学习积极性增强,学生由要我学变成我要学,使学生更加关注自己的学 习过程,不断反思促进学生全面发展。 因此,本研究试图以以高一化学学习为例,对一名典型的学习效率不高的学 生进行个案研究,通过档案袋的收集、整理以及运用、研究档案袋评价方式对该 学生各方面的带来的影响,个案研究效果良好。 关键词:化学;档案袋;教学评价;中学生;个案研究 II Abstract Under the influence of National College Entrance Examinations, students’ learning results are greatly emphasized, while the learning process is neglected. The functions of evaluation, namely, estimate, stimulate, response and reflect, are not fully realized. Therefore, a new evaluation system is in need. Study of archives has been popular among frontline teachers. Abundant researches and experiments show that through collecting and arranging their chemistry-learning archives and reflecting on them, students’ test marks are improved and their learning interests are also heightened.. Students change their attitudes from "I was forced to study" to "I want to study", which made students focus more on their own learning process and increasingly reflect how to promote their own all-round development. Thus, this research takes chemistry learning in Senior One as research target, provides a case study of a typical student with less-effective learning. Research results show that the student's abilities in all aspects have been improved by collecting and arranging his archives. The result of this case is good. Key words: chemistry-learning archive; all-round development; learning effect; case study 目 录 中文摘要…………………………………………………………………………… Ⅰ 英


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