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? 一个人对另外一个人所说的话影响自己对所说的事件相信概率增加或减少的判断 ? 要的不是对错,一个陈述对相信度提高就是支持,相信度减少就是驳斥。 ? 若题目问驳斥,则其他四个要么无关,要么支持;若题目问支持,则其他四个要 么无关,要么驳斥 ? 70 — 80% 选项都是无关 , 出题主要考排除无关的能力,无关的判断 ? 正确的假设被否定的话,结论就无法成立 Critical Reasoning Find the Premise A: 看见两只乌鸦,下一个也是乌鸦 B :因为乌鸦都是成群的 蒙古牛产奶量 400 ,与欧洲牛杂交 2400 ,杂交牛产奶量大,鼓励蒙古当地养杂交牛 A: 蒙古当地杂交牛不能健康生存 B: 当地缺少一种杂草,这种杂草对于维持杂交牛的健康是必须的 C: 当地缺少一种杂草,这种杂草对于维持杂交动物的健康是必须的 D: 苏联和蒙古的畜牧条件是相似的,苏联缺少一种杂草,这种杂草对于维持杂交动 物的健康是必须的 Correlation/Strengthen/ Weaken 31 2020/4/5 Critical Reasoning Find the Premise Correlation/Weaken/Strengthen Weaken approaches Strengthen approaches A=>B B is incorrect (= 是对 B 的驳斥 ) B is correct C =>B ( 使旁观者认为是 A 的可能性降低 ) C can't => B A&B are irrelevant A&B are relevant A is incorrect A is correct A =>C ( 对 B 的驳斥 ) A can't =>C C=>D (D 与 B 相反 ) 32 2020/4/5 1. The united States is considering a ban on the importation of salmon from Country B in order to protest poor protection of intellectual property rights in Country B. An economist counters that such a ban would be ineffective, since Country B would circumvent. it by selling the extra salmon in Europe. Indeed, last year, six European nations each imported more salmon than Country B exported to the United States. Which of the following, if true, would most severely weaken the economist's argument? (A) Salmon is the chief export of Country B, accounting for a substantial proportion of its export earnings over each of the last three years. (B) The supply of native salmon has become increasingly limited in certain parts of North America in the past decade, including many parts of the United States. (C) Salmon from Country B is considered a delicacy in all of the European nations that imported salmon last year. (D) The economic value to U.S. companies of the adoption of intellectual property regulations in Country B is greater than the value of salmon exports from Country B. (E) Costs for the transportation of salmon from Country B to Europe would make salmon fr


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