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摘 要 人力资源管理的目的是通过对人力资源合理配置和使用,使组织充分利用员工 的工作能力,产生最优组合的绩效;在组织发展的同时,使员工不断提高自身知识、 技能和能力,实现组织和个人 “双赢”的目标。 但是随着社会不断发展进步,企业管理模式不断更新,人力资源外包正是在这 样的社会大背景下应运而生的帮助企业提高效率、赢得竞争优势的一种新型管理模 式。作为一种新型的管理模式,人力资源外包的理论发展和实际研究还不是十分的 完善,这也就使得许多企业在应用人力资源外包后不一定取得预期的成绩。由于缺 少正确的理论指导,实践中存在很多因素对人力资源管理外包活动的运作过程产生 影响。基于此,本篇论文的主要目的就是为了解决上述企业存在的一些问题,对人 力资源外包的优势、风险和对策进行深入的探讨和研究。 关键词:人力资源外包 风险分析 防范对策 吧 ABSTRACT The purpose of Human Resources Management of human resources through the rational allocation and use, so that organizations take full advantage of the ability of their staff to produce the optimal combination of performance; development in the organization so that employees constantly improve their own knowledge, skills and ability to achieve organizational and individuals "win-win" objective. But driven by the development of society, Business management models are being updated. It is in human resources outsourcing such a society have emerged against the background of the help enterprises improve efficiency, gain a competitive advantage of a new management model. As a new mode of management, human resources outsourcing the development of the theory and practical research is not very sound, this will result in numerous enterprises in the application of human resources outsourcing after does not necessarily achieve the desired results. Due to the lack of a correct theoretical guidance, in practice there are many factors on human resources management outsourcing activities have an impact on the operation of the process. Based on this, the main purpose of this paper is to address these issues a number of enterprises, The advant


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