《Ive also entered lots of speaking competitions》Experiences PPT课件[文字可编辑].ppt

《Ive also entered lots of speaking competitions》Experiences PPT课件[文字可编辑].ppt

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prize 多指在竞赛、竞争中获胜所赢得的 奖。 Hundreds of prizes can be won in our newspaper competition. 参加我们报纸的竞赛可以赢得数以百 计的奖品。 3. The first prize is “My dream holiday”. dream 作名词 , 是可数名词 , 意为“梦想;梦 ”。如: I had some very strange dreams last night. 昨晚我做了很奇怪的梦。 My sons dream is to be an astronaut. 我儿子的理想是当宇航员。 dream 还可作动词 , 常见用法如下 : (1) dream of / about sth. 意为“梦见 / 梦想 某事”。 (2) dream of / about doing sth. 意为“梦见 / 梦想做某事”。 (3) dream + that 从句。 When you go to sleep, what do you dream about? 当你睡觉时 , 你梦到什么了? [ 注意 ] dream 的过去式为 dreamed 或 dreamt, 过去 分词为 dreamed 或 dreamt 。 He dreams of one day becoming a famous violinist. 他梦想有朝一日成为著名的小提琴家。 I never dreamed that I should see you again. 我从来没有想过会再次见到你。 我梦想有一天拥有一座漂亮的花园。 I dream of ___________ (have) a beautiful garden some day. 许多年轻人总是梦想成为有名的篮球运动员。 Many young people always ________ ________ becoming famous basketball players. having dream of 4. But I cant afford it. afford v. 提供 , 供应得起 , 给予 They walked because they couldnt afford (to take) a taxi. 他们因为坐不起计程车而步行。 These trees afford a pleasant shade. 这些树提供了荫凉。 Id love to go on holiday but I cant afford the time. 我倒想去度假 , 可是抽不出时间来。 afford 的用法: (1) afford( 担负得起 ) 通常要与 can, be able to 连用。 误 : He doesnt afford (to have) a car. 正 : He cant afford (to have) a car. 他买不起小汽车。 (2) 在现代英语中 afford( 负担得起 ) 不用于被 动语态。 误 : Such things can be afforded by many people. 正 : Many people can afford such things. 那样的东西许多人可以买得起。 (3) afford ( 负担得起 ) 可用于金钱方面 ( 用于 afford to buy 之类 的 ) ,但通常不直接以 money 为宾语。 误 : I want to get my car repaired because I cant afford the money for a new one. 正 : I want to get my car repaired because I cant afford (to buy) a new one. 我想请人把车子修一下 , 因为我买不起新的 。 (4) afford( 提供 ) 可接双宾语 ( 直接宾语 通常为抽象概念 ) ,若双宾语易位,要用 介词


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