《Our school in the future》PPT课件[文字可编辑].ppt

《Our school in the future》PPT课件[文字可编辑].ppt

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Our school in the future 第二课时 Warm up PPT 模板: /moban/ PPT 素材: /sucai/ PPT 背景: /beijing/ PPT 图表: /tubiao/ PPT 下载: /xiazai/ PPT 教程: /powerpoint/ 资料下载: /ziliao/ 范文下载: /fa nwen/ 试卷下载: /shiti/ 教案下载: /ji aoan/ PPT 论坛: PPT 课件: /ke jian/ 语文课件: /kejian/yuw en/ 数学课件: /kej ian/shuxue/ 英语课件: /kejian/ying yu/ 美术课件: /kej ian/me ishu/ 科学课件: /kejian/kexue/ 物理课件: /kej ian/wul i/ 化学课件: /kejian/huaxue/ 生物课件: /keji an/she ngwu/ 地理课件: /kejian/dili/ 历史课件: /kej ian/lishi/ Listen and answer 1.Who will help us find books in the library? 2.Will we use computer in all our lessons? 3.Will we carry books to school? Robots No. Yes. Read and write In the future, schools will be different. They will be under the ______, on high __________ and even in ________ . sea space mountains Read and write Robots will help us __________ in the library. They will also _____________ in schools. find books do other things Read and write We will use ________ in all our lessons. They will help us see __________ and other interesting things. dinosaurs computers Read and write We will have lessons with students from _____________. We will do a lot of things ________ together. other countries online Read and write We will not ______ books to school. All our books will be on ______________. carry a small computer Practice In the future, we will / wont… Practice Sounds m y … n ice… Sounds bri ng … i n k … la n guage … 1. 在音素 [k][g] 前面发 [?] 。但前缀例外。如 :think, thank, English, language, uncle … 2. 与 g 组合在词尾时发 [?] 。 如 :long, strong, song, sing , bring, ring … Warm up


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