《He lives in the east of the US》PPT课件[文字可编辑].ppt

《He lives in the east of the US》PPT课件[文字可编辑].ppt

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Module 8 Unit1 He lives in the east of the US. ? east ? west ? best 最好的 ? rest 休息 have a rest 休息一下 ? north 北;北方; 北部 ? south 南;南方; 南部 a map of the US PPT 模板: /moban/ PPT 素材: /sucai/ PPT 背景: /beijing/ PPT 图表: /tubiao/ PPT 下载: /xiazai/ PPT 教程: /powerpoint/ 资料下载: /ziliao/ 范文下载: /fa nwen/ 试卷下载: /shiti/ 教案下载: /ji aoan/ PPT 论坛: PPT 课件: /ke jian/ 语文课件: /kejian/yuw en/ 数学课件: /kej ian/shuxue/ 英语课件: /kejian/ying yu/ 美术课件: /kej ian/me ishu/ 科学课件: /kejian/kexue/ 物理课件: /kej ian/wul i/ 化学课件: /kejian/huaxue/ 生物课件: /keji an/she ngwu/ 地理课件: /kejian/dili/ 历史课件: /kej ian/lishi/ ? map 地图 ? Los Angeles 洛杉矶 ? New York 纽约 ? Washington DC 华盛顿 ? capital 首都 ? country 国家 about the US ? 1.Washington DC is the _______ of the US. ? 2.New York is in the ______ of the US. ? 3.Los Angeles is in the _______ of the US. ? 4.People in the US speak (说 )__________. speak 说(某种语言) Wheres Los Angeles? Its... Some Phrases. ? in the US 在美国 ? speak English 说英语 ? live there 住在那儿 ? in the east/west/north/south of... ? live in New York 住在纽约 ? the capital of the US 美国的首都 ? want to go to the US 想要去美国 ? visit your cousin 拜访你的堂兄 Sentences. ? I live in the east of China. ? Simon lives in the east of the US. ? Does he live in Los Angeles? No, he doesnt. ? Does he live in New York? Yes, he does. 你学会了吗? 1._____ is New York? Its in the east of the US. A.What B. Where C.When 2.I want _____(go) to Los Angeles one day. 3.She ______(want) to visit Shanghai one day. 4.Lets _____ a rest. A.have B.has C.had 5.Does she _____ in Tianjin? No, she doesnt. A.lives B. live C.lived


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