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;;;;;;品牌管家的作業模式,嘗試在邏輯的過程中加入詩和散文. 新的策略格式的修改,嘗試在例行公事之外,加入一點春天的筆觸 清楚 激發;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;策略舉例;眼鏡 88是在香港已有好些年的眼鏡行. 從前的廣告及傳播強調的是擁有清晰視力是多麼好. 廣告執行的品質也不差. 但眼鏡行在香港的競爭是日益激烈,因此,眼鏡88也亟思突破.;Business Objective;To capture more business by improving distribtion of shops in terms of quantity and quality. 藉由改善通路的數量與品質,來嬴取更多的生意. To gain more business from both existing and new customers. 從現有的顧客及新顧客處,得到更多的生意.;People requiring aids to correct eye right. 需要矯正視力的人. People using spectacles as fashion accessories, demographically, they are people at all ages. 把眼鏡當成裝飾物的目標群. 從人口統計資料來看,他們可能存在任何年齡.;To continue building a distinctive brand image. 持續建立特出的品牌形象. To build and capitalize on customer loyalty. 建立並運用顧客的忠誠度.;To own the category high ground ie, clear vision 占領本類別主要賣點--清晰的視力. To arouse the sentiment of our target by reflecting their attitude in life through advertising. 引發消費群的情感--藉由廣告來反映他們對人生態度. To build brand loyalty employing below-the-line programmes. 運用店頭陳列來建立顧客忠誠度.;Creative Strategy 創意策略;To create brand preference by arousing the empathy of our target via an image campaign which reflect a positive attitude in life. 創造偏好: 藉由一套形象廣告活動,反映目標群對人生的正面態度來激發目標對象的同理心.;City dwellers. Today, many city dwellers who are accustomed to covering up their true feelings even towars their love ones. 今日城市居民.習慣性地,他們會去掩蓋心裡的真實感受--即使是對摯愛的人. Thus, people dont really understand each other most of the time. And they are embarrassed to take the initiative to do so. 因此,人們其實並不容易彼此了解,而且大家通常羞於主動去了解別人. ;They are also too busy to explore more about life. 他們通常也太過忙碌,沒時間探索人生的無限可能性. Thus, life sometimes will appear to be quite non-interesting and un-fulfilling. 因此,生命有時會變得無趣,也沒什麼成就感.;However, there is always the later emotion inside each one of them which can be ignited by discovering that somebody does care about them and that life is far more than what they could see now. 然而,每個人的心底總藏著這麼一份情感,能被眼前的事情勾動: 如果他們發覺有人在默默地關心他,或發覺人生其實比你一雙眼睛能看見的部份要寬廣得多.;Opticall 88 is the leader in the optical


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