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中国科技论文在线 MSC Pool 架构下 MGW 容灾组网方案研究 1 1 2 1** 赵灿 ,游向东 ,童磊 ,吴文祥 (1. 北京邮电大学信息与通信工程学院,北京 100876; 5 2. 中讯邮电咨询设计院有限公司技术研究部,北京 100048) 摘要:从传统组网向池组化组网转变是移动核心网现网演进的必然趋势,同时基于现网网络 运行安全的考虑,MGW 容灾部署策略成为当前移动网络改造研究的重点。本文结合对 MSC Pool 和 MGW 容灾的技术分析,基于移动通信现网的网络架构,研究了 MSC Pool 架构下的 实现MGW 容灾的组网方案,并给出了网络改造部署建议。 10 关键词:MSC Pool;MGW 容灾;组网方案 中图分类号:TN913.21 Research on network architecture of MSC PooL with MGW tolerance 1 1 2 1 15 Zhao Can , You Xiangdong , Tong Lei , Wu Wenxiang (1. Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications,School of Information and Communication Engineering, Beijing 100876; 2. CHINA INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY DESIGNING&CONSULTING INSTITUTE CO.,LTD,Technical Research&Development Department, Beijing 100048) 20 Abstract: The transition from traditional network to MSC Pool is an inevitable trend for mobile core network evaluation. Also, considering the security of network operation, MGW tolerant strategy has become the key of existing network transformation. On the basis of network architecture of mobile communication and in combination with analysis of the MSC Pool technology and MGW tolerant strategies, this paper researches the network architecture of MSC 25 Pool with MGW tolerance and makes some suggestions on the network transformation and deployment. Keywords: MSC Pool; MG


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