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PMBOK指南(第5版)第三章习题(附答案) 1. Velidate scope is a (an) A. Planning process B. Executing process C. Monitoring and controlling process D. Closing process 1. 确认范围是一个 A. 规划过程 B. 执行过程 C. 监控过程 D. 收尾过程 2. Perform quality assurance is a (an) A. Planning process B. Executing process C. Monitoring and controlling process D. Closing process 2. 实施质量保证是一个 A. 规划过程 B. 执行过程 C. 监控过程 D. 收尾过程 3. Control quality is a (an) A.Planning process B.Executing process C.Monitoring and controlling process D.Closing process 3.控制质量是一个 A. 规划过程 B. 执行过程 C. 监控过程 D. 收尾过程 4. The Project Procurement Management knowledge area includes all of the following EXCEPT: A. Conduct procurements B. Close procurements C. Identify risks D. Plan procurement management 4. 项目采购管理知识领域包含下面的过程,除了: A. 实施采购 B. 结束采购 C. 识别风险 D. 规划采购管理 5. All the following are true EXCEPT? A. The project manager needs to determine the skills of the stakeholders. B. The stakeholders’ impact on the project must be assessed. C. The stakeholders do not have a role in determining the project plan unless they are part of theproject team. D. Stakeholder management is part of the project plan. 5. 下面哪项说法不正确? A. 项目经理需要判断项目干系人的技能 B. 项目干系人对项目的影响必须被评估 C. 在决定项目计划时不需要考虑项目干系人,除非他们是项目团队的一部分 D. 项目干系人管理是项目计划的一部分 6. Which of the following is the most proper? A. A project charter is developed based on the preliminary project scope statement B. Planning activities will start after the finish of initiating process group C. Business needs are documented in the initiating processes,but project objectives are determined in the planning processes D. At the time initiating process group occurs,planning activities also occur. 6. 下列哪一项是最合适的描述 A. 项目章程的制定是基于初步项目范围说明书 B. 计划活动开始于启动过程组完成之后 C. 商务需求是在启动过程进行文档描述,但是项目目标是在计划过程确定的 D. 在启动过程进行时,计划活动也在进行 7. The first phase of a project is the feasibility study.According to the PMBOK,which of the project management process group does the feasibility study phase need? A. Planning B. Planning , monitoring and controlling C. Initiat


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