江苏省东台市中考一轮复习 九年级上册《第二单元》讲学案2.docVIP

江苏省东台市中考一轮复习 九年级上册《第二单元》讲学案2.doc

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PAGE PAGE 6 用心 爱心 专心 牛津英语中考一轮复习 第二单元讲学案 【学习目标】 1.掌握重点单词 2.掌握重点短语 3.掌握重点句子 4.掌握本单元语法 【重点难点】 一,重点短语 掌握不同颜色所代表的含义,能正确运用表达所做的事的句型。学会使用不定代词来谈论人和事。 【预习指导】 一,短语 1、穿在你身上看起来很好 look good on you 2、使我们感到宁静而平和 make us feel calm and peaceful 3、有益于身心健康 be good for the mind and body 4、产生一种和谐感 create the feeling of harmony 5、在他们婚礼那天喜欢穿着白色 like to be in white on their wedding day 6、给你一种开心和满足感 give you a happyy and satisfied feeling 7、给你带来成功 bring you success 8、使你想起温暖、阳光明媚的日子 remind you of a warm, sunny day 9、代表新生和成长 represent new life and growth 10、代表力量和强烈情感 represent power and strong feelings 11、更易于你付诸行动 make it easier for you to take action 12、难于做决定 have difficulty / trouble / problems making a decision 13、考试得高分 get good marks in tests 14、个性很强 have a strong personality 15、退款get your money back 16、有不同的颜色和气味 have different colours and smells 17、把油擦在人们的皮肤上 rub oil into peoples skin rub--rubbed--rubbed, rubbing 18、建议某人做某事 advise sb to do sth 19、代表权力和力量 represent power and strength 20、代表宁静和和平 represent calm and peace 二,句子 1、There is nothing wrong with your computer. 2、Blue looks good on you. / You look good in blue. 3、I would rather wear blue than pink. / I prefer wearing blue to wearing pink. 4、Do you know how many colours there are in a rainbow? 5、Wearing blue clothes or sleeping in a blue room is good for the mind and badly. 6、Im feeling sad / blue. 7、People living in cold climates prefer to use warm colours in their homes to create a warm and comfortable feeling there. 8、Orange can bring you success and cheer you up when you are feeling sad. 9、Some people prefer yellow when they study for exams. 10、He is green with envy. / He is very jealous. 11、Wearing red makes it easier for you to take action. 12、Red can help when you are having difficulty making a decision. 【学习过程】 一,语言点 1. I’d rather wear blue than pink. (P.24) 我宁愿穿蓝色衣服也不穿粉红色的衣服。 would rather后跟的是一个不带to的不定式,意思是“宁愿”



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