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Section A The Battle Against AIDS 1. What is the disease? How much do you know about it? AIDS Acquired Immure Deficiency Syndrome (后天性免疫缺陷综合症). It is a disease that limits the body’s ability to fight infection. A person with AIDS has a very weak immune system, turning normally mild or rare diseases into potentially fatal conditions. HIV Human Immunodeficiency Virus (人类免疫缺陷病毒). AIDS is different from HIV in that the former usually causes death while HIV may lead to AIDS. Main Idea of the Text Structure of the Text Immune a. 1) safe from a disease or illness because one cannot be affected by it 免疫的 2) not affeted by sth免受影响的 1. 这是一种罕见的免疫系统紊乱病例。 Infect vt. 1) cause others to have a disease or illness 2) affect; influence be slow in doing sth. Not do sth as soon as one can or should illustrate vt. Show the meaning of sth by giving pictures or example 阐述,说明 regardless ad. Without being affeted or influenced by sth. represent vt. 1) be a particular thing; constitute 2) show; be a sign of; stand for 3) act or speak officially for another person or group wipe out destroy or get rid of sth completely distrat sb. from sth. take someone’s attention from sth. sign up for put one’s name on a list for sth because one wants to take part in it * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 短语 be infected with 感染 例句 1.带有这种病毒的人有可能会传染他人。 People with this virus may infect others. 2. 他的热情感染了身边的每一个人。 He infects everyone around him with his passion. 短语 例句 1.那个男人岁数大了,反应慢了。 The man is getting on in years and he is slow in respoding. 2. 你回复我的信息总是很慢。 You are always slow in returning my messages. 例句 这个事例说明妇女在某些领域可以比男子干的出色得多。 The case illustrates that women can do much better than men in some fields. 短语 regardless of 不管 例句 1.我知道你累了,但无论怎样,我要你继续。 I know you’re tired, but I want you to continue regardless. 2. 不管天气如何,我们都决定出门。 We decide to go out regardless of the weather. 例句 1.空气污染是这个城市面临的最大威胁。 Air pollution represen


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