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2018-2019湖南省怀化市杉木桥中学高一英语期中试题 一、 单项选择 1. -----What do you think of the film Avatar? ------It _______ be better, I even want to see it twice. A. won’t??? B. couldn’t??? C. shouldn’t?? D.mightn’t 参考答案: B 2. Children ?????? to difficult situations are better at handing those ??????? tasks. ?? A. exposing; challenging B. exposed; challenged C. exposed; challenging D. exposing; challenged 参考答案: C 3. We are very proud of what our country ______ in the past seventy years. A. has achieved B. is achieving C. achieved D. had achieved 参考答案: A 【详解】考查时态。句意:我们对祖国在过去70年里取得的成就感到骄傲。A. has achieved??? 已经实现;B. is achieving正在实现;C. achieved(去过)实现;D. had achieved(过去的过去)实现。由in the past seventy years(在过去的70年里)判断为现在完成时,故选A项。 【点睛】本句考查现在完成时 现在完成时通常表过去的动作对现在造成的影响,其结构是have/has done,常见的时间标志词有:already, yet, so far, up to/till now, since, in/during/over the past/last + 段时间 例如: Great changes have taken place in our country in the past decades.在过去几十年里我们国家发生了巨大变化。 I have not seen you since we last met each other.自我们上次碰面,我已近很久没看到你了。 4. Nowadays, people are __________ to smart phones so much that they even use them while driving. A. applied??? B. related C. addicted??? D. responded 参考答案: C 【详解】考查形容词。句意:如今,人们对智能手机上瘾,甚至在开车时也会使用智能手机。A.be? applied to应用于; B. be related to与---有关;C.be? addicted to沉迷于;D. responded to响应,回应。故选C。 5. If he ______ my advice, he wouldn’t have lost his job. A. followed?????? B. should follow?? C. had followed??? D. would follow 参考答案: C 6. I'd like to place things_______it is convenient to get them. ?? A. in which???????????? B. what?????????????? C. where????????????? D. that 参考答案: C 7. Being able to speak another language fluently is a great _______ when you are looking for a job. A. intention B. success C. concept D. advantage 参考答案: D 8. —What did he do in return for free ________ and food offered by the kind couple? —He helped their son with his lessons. A. conservation B. admission C. accommodation D. immigration 参考答案: C 【详解】考查名词辨析。句意:——他做什么来回报那对好心的夫妇给他提供的免费的食宿? ——


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