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Unit 1 Whats the matter?;一、根据句意及汉语提示填写单词。 1.My brother had a ________ (咳嗽) and I took him to hospital. 2.John had a high ___________(发烧) yesterday.His parents were very worried. 3.I think you should take your _____________ (体温) first. 4.Lisa had a sore _________(喉咙) and she needed to drink much water. 5.Dont climb that tree, or you will _________(受伤) yourself.;二、根据句意及首字母提示填写单词。 6.A dog has four f______ and a man has two. 7.—Kate had a t___________ all day. —Oh? Why didnt she see a dentist? 8.“Laura,youre too tired.Go home and r_______,”Tom said. 9.I have a s__________ because I ate too much. 10.Mrs. Jones always wears a scarf (围巾) around her n_______.;三、单项选择。                   11.(宜昌中考)—You dont look well.________ with you? —I have a fever and cant stop coughing. A.Whats happening B.What is it C.Whats on D.Whats the matter;12(鄂州中考)—Ill be away for a long time. —Dont worry.She can look after your pet _________. A.careful enough B.enough careful C.carefully enough D.enough carefully;13.(苏州中考)Dogs ________ run through soccer games at the park.Its dangerous! A.should B.shouldnt C.need D.neednt 14.There is something wrong with my ________.I cant see the words on the blackboard. A.cars B.mouth C.nose D.eyes;15.—My cousin has a sore throat. —Shed better ________. A.drink water with honey B.see a dentist C.take a shower D.get an X-ray;四、根据汉语意思完成下列句子。 16.迈克今天早晨头痛,因此起床晚了。 Mike ______ ____ _________ this morning,so he got up late. 17.凯特好像咽喉痛。 It seems that Kate ______ ____ ______ _________. 18.医生刚才量过你的体温了吗? Did the doctor ______ ______ _____________ a moment ago? ;19.你看上去很累。你需要休息。 You look very tired.You need ____ ______ ________. 20.他不辞而别。 He left ___________ _________ goodbye.;五、从方框中选择适当的选项补全对话,有两项多余。 A:Hey,Jenny! You dont look well.21._______ B:I have a sore throat. A:22.________ B:I practiced singing in the music club. A:23._______ B:For about two hours.;A:Its too long.24.________ B:Yeah.25.________Can you give me some advice? A:Try not to talk


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