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PAGE PAGE # Section II Grammar 课后篇巩固提升 一、用所给动词的适当形式填空 1 .This compa ny was the first (produce) portable radios as well as cassette tape recorders in the world. 答案 to produce The purpose of new tech no logy is to make life easier, (not make) it more difficult. 答案 not to make The n ews reporters hurried to the airport, only (tell) the film stars had left. 答案 to be told The bank is reported in the local n ewspaper (rob) in broad daylight yesterday. 答案 to have been robbed The meeti ng (take) place n ext week is sure to be a great success. 答案to take He could do no thi ng but (wait) for the bus to come. 答案wait stopped to liste n,and my son seemed (enjoy) himself shut in the livi ng room. 答案 to be enjoying cannot but (agree) to your decisi on. 答案agree 9.The mother did what she could(save) her son, although she was 9.The mother did what she could (save) her son, although she was also in dan ger. 答案to save now. 10.Your neighbour 10.Your neighbour s daughter is said (study) abroad 答案 to be studying 、单句改错 As there was no bus,he couldn t but to walk home 答案去掉to 2.0 nly this man was stro ng eno ugh lifti ng the heavy sto ne. 答案 lifting to lift The pictures seemed to be taken in Guilin. 答案 be^ have been have warned you to not do that aga in. 答案 to not f not to 5.They were ast oni shed finding the truth. 答案 finding f to find 三、阅读理解 Though scientists warn that global warming will likely continue for cen turies,there are a few things we can do to decrease the effects.Basically,they all boil down to( 归结为)this:Don t use as much of the things that create greenhouse gases.You can help by using less energy.The electricity that operates lots of the equipment in our homes comes from a power plant,and most power plants burn fossil fuels( 矿物燃料 ) to produce that power. Turn off lights when they re not in use .Take shorter showers to use less hot water.Use a fan instead of an air conditioner on a warm day. Here are some other ways that can help decrease greenhouse gas emi


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