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- - PAGE # - Section V Writ ing 正反观点的议论文 [文体指导] 对同一件事情,人们常有不同的看法,通常有正反两种观点。在写作时,常使用一般现 在时。写作格式一般是:提出问题t列举两种不同的观点t对这两种不同观点的论据 (理由) 逐项进行对比。有时题目会要求给出自己的观点,可在结尾段加上自己的观点并简要说明理 由,最好不要重复前面已谈到的理由。一般采用集中比较的写作方式。 [亮点句式] 1?开头语 Recen tly weve had a discussi on about whether we should... We had a brief debate/discussi on about/ on … A heated/lively debate/discussi on has bee n held about /on whether ...or not. .正文 Some people agree with the idea that ... Some people are in favour of... People who are for the idea acco unt for 80 perce nt of ... 80 perce nt of the people support the idea, arguing that... Some of them hold the opposite opinion. However, others dont agree with them. However, some people raise questi ons about it. On the con trary, some people are aga inst that opinion, arguing that ... ?结束语 From my point of view, it is wise to ... After weigh ing the adva ntages and disadva ntages of ..., I ... [写作任务] 克隆人这一话题在世界上引起了激烈的争论。请你根据以下提示,用英语写一篇题为 On Human Cloning 的短文。 赞同 ?给人类带来好处,用于治疗难以治愈的疾病 ?用于复活濒危动物 反对 ?一旦失去控制,将产生很多冋题 ?担心造出超人种 你的观点 ?应将重点放在对人类有益的动物和干细胞的研究上 注意:1 ?短文的开头已为你写好,不计入总词数。 2 .词数100词左右 On Huma n Clo ning Cloning is producing an exact copy of a plant or an animal using its cells.However, huma n cloning has caused much debate. [审题谋篇] 体裁 议论文 时态 一般现在时 主题 论克隆 人称 第人称和第三人称 结构 第一段:点出主题(已给出) 第二段:赞同和反对及其理由。 第三段:我的观点。 。 [遣词造句] I .对接模块词汇 1 ? cure 治愈;治疗 2 ? arise 发生,出现 3 ? ben eficial 有益的,有用的 4 ? bring ...back to life 使……复活 5 ? get out of con trol 失去控制 6 ? stem cells 干细胞 n.巧用模块句式、语法 (一)完成句子 ?一些人认为克隆能给人类带来很多好处。 Some people believe cloning can bring many ben efits to huma n beings. .它能治疗难以治愈的疾病。 It can be used to the cure of some serious diseases. ?原因是,如果这种技术的使用失去控制,会出现很多问题。 The reas on is that if the use of this tech no logy gets out of con trol, many problems may arise. ?他们担心的是我们或许会制造出替代我们的超人。 What they worry is that we may produce a superhuman race that could replace us. 5?依我看来,既然大家普遍认为克隆是一次科学的重大突破,…… In my opinion, since it is gen erally agreed that cloning is a won derful



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